Python TypeScript HTTP

Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

By using any API provided by dYdX Trading Inc., you agree to its Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the foregoing, then do not use any such API.


These docs describe the v3 API for the dYdX decentralized perpetual contracts exchange. The exchange runs on an L2 (layer-2) blockchain system, and operates independently of previous dYdX protocols and systems, including the v1 and v2 APIs.

Like the previous iteration of dYdX perpetuals, the exchange uses a centralized order book, but remains non-custodial, and settles trades and liquidations in a trustless manner.

Layer 2: ZK-Rollups

Trades are settled in an L2 (layer-2) system, which publishes ZK (zero-knowledge) proofs periodically to an Ethereum smart contract in order to prove that state transitions within L2 are valid. Funds must be deposited to the Ethereum smart contract before they can be used to trade on dYdX.

By settling trades on L2, the exchange is able to offer much higher trade throughput and lower minimum order sizes, compared with systems settling trades directly on Ethereum (i.e. L1). This is achieved while maintaining decentralization, and the exchange is fully non-custodial.

The L2 system was developed with, and is operated jointly with, Starkware. More information about the L2 design can be found in Starkware's documentation. (Note: Some of the details described there may be specific to Starkware's previous StarkEx system and may not apply to the dYdX system.)

Data Centers

Our data centers are located in the AWS AP-NORTHEAST-1 region (Tokyo).

Number Formats

All amounts and prices in the clients and API are represented in “human readable,” natural units. For example, an amount of 1.25 ETH is represented as 1.25, and a price of $31,000.50 per BTC is represented as 31000.5.

Base URLs

Base URLs for API endpoints are as follows:


We have one testnet which is on Goerli. To use the testnet, use the above Staging URL for your endpoint. Also use a networkId of 5 (Goerli) instead of 1 (Mainnet).

The user interface for testnet can be found here.

The dYdX Goerli USDC token address is 0xF7a2fa2c2025fFe64427dd40Dc190d47ecC8B36e. Users can deposit via the Testnet website.


All rate-limits are subject to change.

Please make use of the WebSockets API if you need real-time data.

Rate Limit - API

Limits are enforced by IP Address for public endpoints, and by both IP Address and Account for private endpoints.

Each request consumes 1 point towards the rate limit. POST v3/orders consumes variable points based on the order. Points refresh at the end of each time window. Please take note of the RateLimit-Remaining header to track points usage.

Response Headers

Field Description
RateLimit-Remaining Points remaining in the time window.
RateLimit-Reset Timestamp that the time window ends, in Epoch milliseconds.
Retry-After Milliseconds until the next time window. Header included only when the limit has been reached.
RateLimit-Limit The maximum amount of points allowed per time window.
Request Limit
GET v3/* 175 requests per 10 seconds.
PUT v3/emails/send-verification-email 2 requests for 10 minutes.
DELETE v3/orders See Cancel-Order Rate Limits
POST v3/orders See Place-Order Rate-Limits
POST v3/testnet/tokens 5 requests per 24 hours.
GET v3/active-orders See Active-Order Rate-Limits
DELETE v3/active-orders See Active-Order Rate-Limits
All other requests 10 requests per minute.

Rate Limit - Websocket

Limits are enforced per connectionId.

Request Limit
subscribe v3_accounts, v3_markets 2 requests per 1 second.
subscribe v3_orderbook, v3_trades 2 requests for 1 second per market.
ping 5 requests per 1 second.

Cancel-Order Rate Limits

Canceling orders is limited per asset-pair and is intended to be higher than the limit on placing orders.

DELETE v3/orders requests are limited to 3 requests per 10 seconds per asset-pair.

DELETE v3/orders/:id requests are limited to 250 requests per 10 seconds per asset-pair.

Place-Order Rate-Limits

Order rate limits are limited to maxPoints spent (per asset-pair) in a fixed window of windowSec seconds.

We want to give priority to those who are making the largest orders and who are contributing the most liquidity to the exchange. Therefore, placing larger orders is subject to higher limits (i.e. larger orders carry a lower point cost). The point cost is based on the orderNotional which is equal to the size * price of the order.

Limit-order point consumption is equal to:

orderConsumption = clamp(
  ceil(targetNotional / orderNotional),

The minOrderConsumption is different for each order type, and can be one of minLimitConsumption, minMarketConsumption, or minTriggerableConsumption. Limit orders that are Fill-or-Kill or Immediate-or-Cancel are considered to be market orders for the purposes of rate limiting.

The values of the above variables as of March 15th, 2022 are listed below, but the most up-to-date values can be found in the v3/config endpoint.

Variable Value
maxPoints 1,750
windowSec 10
targetNotional 40,000
minLimitConsumption 4
minMarketConsumption 20
minTriggerableConsumption 100
maxOrderConsumption 100

Active-Order Rate-Limits

Querying active orders is limited per endpoint and per asset and is intended to be higher than the respective DELETE and GET endpoints these new endpoints replace.

DELETE Active-Orders Rate Limits

DELETE v3/active-orders/*

GET Active-Orders Rate Limits

GET v3/active-orders/*

Other Limits

Accounts may only have up to 20 open orders for a given market/side pair at any one time. (For example up to 20 open BTC-USD bids).

Perpetual Contracts

The dYdX Perpetual is a non-custodial, decentralized margin product that offers synthetic exposure to a variety of assets.


Collateral is held as USDC, and the quote asset for all perpetual markets is USDC. Cross-margining is used by default, meaning an account can open multiple positions that share the same collateral. Isolated margin can be achieved by creating separate accounts (sub-accounts) under the same user.

Each market has three risk parameters, the initialMarginFraction, maintenanceMarginFraction and incrementalInitialMarginFraction, which determine the max leverage available within that market. These are used to calculate the value that must be held by an account in order to open or increase positions (in the case of initial margin) or avoid liquidation (in the case of maintenance margin).

Risk Description
initialMarginFraction The margin fraction needed to open a position.
maintenanceMarginFraction The margin fraction required to prevent liquidation.
incrementalInitialMarginFraction The increase of initialMarginFraction for each incrementalPositionSize above the baselinePositionSize the position is.
baselinePositionSize The max position size (in base token) before increasing the initial-margin-fraction.
incrementalPositionSize The step size (in base token) for increasing the initialMarginFraction by (incrementalInitialMarginFraction per step).

Portfolio Margining

There is no distinction between realized and unrealized PnL for the purposes of margin calculations. Gains from one position will offset losses from another position within the same account, regardless of whether the profitable position is closed.

Margin Calculation

The margin requirement for a single position is calculated as follows:

Initial Margin Requirement = abs(S × P × I)
Maintenance Margin Requirement = abs(S × P × M)


The margin requirement for the account as a whole is the sum of the margin requirement over each market i in which the account holds a position:

Total Initial Margin Requirement = Σ abs(Si × Pi × Ii)
Total Maintenance Margin Requirement = Σ abs(Si × Pi × Mi)

The total margin requirement is compared against the total value of the account, which incorporates the quote asset (USDC) balance of the account as well as the value of the positions held by the account:

Total Account Value = Q + Σ (Si × Pi)

The Total Account Value is also referred to as equity.


An account cannot open new positions or increase the size of existing positions if it would lead the total account value of the account to drop below the total initial margin requirement. If the total account value ever falls below the total maintenance margin requirement, the account may be liquidated.

Free collateral is calculated as:

Free collateral = Total Account Value - Total Initial Margin Requirement

Equity and free collateral can be tracked over time using the latest oracle price (obtained from the markets websocket).


Accounts whose total value falls below the maintenance margin requirement (described above) may have their positions automatically closed by the liquidation engine. Positions are closed at the close price described below. Profits or losses from liquidations are taken on by the insurance fund.

Close Price for Liquidations

The close price for a position being liquidated is calculated as follows, depending whether it is a short or long position:

Close Price (Short) = P × (1 + (M × V / W))
Close Price (Long) = P × (1 − (M × V / W))


This formula is chosen such that the ratio V / W is unchanged as individual positions are liquidated.


Funding payments are exchanged between long and short traders to encourage the price of a perpetual contract to trade close to the price of the underlying. If the perpetual trades at a premium relative to the index, long traders will typically make payments to short traders, whereas if the perpetual trades at a discount relative to the index, short traders will typically make payments to long traders.

The payments are credited or debited at the start of each hour, and are included in the realized PnL for the position.

Funding payments can be found by calling Get /v3/funding and the predicted funding rate can be found by calling Get v3/markets.

Funding Rate Units

Since funding payments are exchanged every hour, the dYdX funding rate is usually represented as a 1-hour rate, which represents the return a position may expect to earn or pay every hour.

When calculating the funding rate, the premium is scaled to have a realization period of 8 hours. That means, for example, that if a certain perpetual market trades consistently at a 0.1% premium relative to the underlying, long traders may expect to pay ~0.1% every 8 hours, and short traders may expect to earn a ~0.1% return every 8 hours (not accounting for the interest rate component).

Funding Payment Calculation

At the start of each hour, an account receives USDC (if F is positive) or pays USDC (if F is negative) in an amount equal to:

F = (-1) × S × P × R


Funding Rate Calculation

The main component of the funding rate is a premium that takes into account market activity for the perpetual. It is calculated for each market, every minute (at a random point within the minute) using the formula:

Premium = (Max(0, Impact Bid Price - Index Price) - Max(0, Index Price - Impact Ask Price)) / Index Price

Where the impact bid and impact ask prices are defined as:

Impact Bid Price = Average execution price for a market sell of the impact notional value
Impact Ask Price = Average execution price for a market buy of the impact notional value

And the impact notional amount for a market is:

Impact Notional Amount = 500 USDC / Initial Margin Fraction

For example, for a market with a 10% initial margin fraction, the impact notional value is 5,000 USDC.

At the end of each hour, the premium component is calculated as the simple average (i.e. TWAP) of the 60 premiums calculated over the course of the last hour. In addition to the premium component, each market has a fixed interest rate component that aims to account for the difference in interest rates of the base and quote currencies. The funding rate is then:

Funding Rate = (Premium Component / 8) + Interest Rate Component

Currently, the interest rate component for all dYdX markets is 0.00125% (equivalent to 0.01% per 8 hours).

Contract Loss Mechanisms

During periods of high volatility in the markets underlying the perpetual contracts, the value of some accounts may drop below zero before they can be liquidated.

The insurance fund is the first backstop to maintain the solvency of the system when an account has a negative balance. The account will be liquidated, and the insurance fund will take on the loss.

In the event that the insurance fund is depleted, positions with the most profit and leverage may be used to offset negative-balance accounts, in order to maintain the stability of the system.

Oracle Prices

The Oracle Price for each trading pair is used for the following:


Oracle prices are equal to the median of the reported prices of 15 independent Chainlink nodes.

Node Providers

Index Prices

The Index Price for each trading pair is used for the following:


Index prices are equal to the median of several exchanges' spot prices.

Each exchange's spot price is calculated as the median of the best-ask, best-bid, and last-traded prices of its spot pair.

If the exchange's quote-asset is a non-USD asset (including USDT), the price is adjusted by our index price for that asset.

Exchange Sources


For USDT pairs where USDT is the quote asset, the implied price of USDT is taken to be the reciprocal of: the exchange price divided by the index price of the base asset.






































Python and TypeScript clients are available, allowing programmatic usage of dYdX.

Python Client


Install dydx-v3-python from PyPI using pip:

pip install dydx-v3-python


See dydxprotocol/dydx-v3-python.

See the examples folder for simple python examples.

TypeScript Client


Install @dydxprotocol/v3-client from NPM:

npm i -s @dydxprotocol/v3-client


See dydxprotocol/v3-client.

See the examples folder for simple typescript examples.

Client Initialization


client = Client(
const client: DydxClient = new Client(
        apiTimeout: 3000,
        starkPrivateKey: '01234abcd...',

The client is organized into modules, based on the type of authentication needed for different requests. The configuration options passed into the client determine which modules are available. See Authentication for more information.

Module Description
public Public API endpoints. Does not require authentication.
onboarding Endpoint to create a new user, authenticated via Ethereum key.
api_keys Endpoints for managing API keys, authenticated via Ethereum key.
private All other private endpoints, authenticated via API key.
eth Calling and querying L1 Ethereum smart contracts.

The following configuration options are available:

Parameter Description
host The HTTP API host.
api_timeout Timeout for HTTP requests, in milliseconds.
default_ethereum_address (Optional) The default account for Ethereum key auth and sending Ethereum transactions.
eth_private_key (Optional) May be used for Ethereum key auth.
eth_send_options (Optional) Options for Ethereum transactions, see sendTransaction.
network_id (Optional) Chain ID for Ethereum key auth and smart contract addresses. Defaults to if available, or 1 (mainnet).
stark_private_key (Optional) STARK private key, used to sign orders and withdrawals.
web3 (Optional) Web3 object used for Ethereum key auth and/or smart contract interactions.
web3_account (Optional) May be used for Ethereum key auth.
web3_provider (Optional) Web3 provider object, same usage as web3.
api_key_credentials (Optional) Dictionary containing the key, secret and passphrase required for the private module to sign requests.
crypto_c_exports_path (Optional) For python only, will use faster C++ code to run hashing, signing and verifying. It's expected to be compiled from the crypto_c_exports target from Starkware's repository. See section on this below for more information.

C++ Methods for Faster STARK Signing

The C++ wrapper methods in the client expect an absolute path to a Shared Object. This has to be compiled from Starkware's crypto C++ library.

Private HTTP API


There are three levels of authentication to be considered when using dYdX. All signing can be handled directly by the client libraries.

Ethereum Key Authentication

The highest level of authentication is via an account's Ethereum private key. The Ethereum key remains in control of an account's funds while they are within the L2 system. This includes the ability to forcibly close an account's positions and exit the system, in the event that the L2 operators (dYdX and Starkware) were to unexpectedly go offline or otherwise censor requests.

Ethereum key authentication is required for the following operations:

STARK Key Authentication

Within the L2 system, authentication is handled by a separate key pair, known as the account's STARK key pair.

STARK key authentication is required for the following operations:

API Key Authentication

The third level of authentication consists of the API key, secret and passphrase which are used solely to authenticate API requests made to dYdX. This includes operations such as canceling orders or retrieving an account's fills, which do not affect the L2 system.

When a user onboards via POST v3/onboarding, the server will use the signature as a seed to determinstically generate default API key credentials. An API key includes three fields:

API keys can be added and managed via the /v3/api-keys endpoints.

All requests which are not signed by an Ethereum key and which are made to private endpoints require an API key signature.

STARK Key Cryptography

The STARK and API keys are ECDSA key pairs on the STARK curve. More info on the cryptography used on L2 is available in Starkware's documentation.

Creating and Signing Requests

Within the private HTTP API, there are three groups of endpoints which each require different headers and authentication.

(Separately, and in addition to the above, STARK signatures are required for orders and withdrawals. For details, please refer to the Python and TypeScript reference implementations.)

Onboarding Endpoint: POST v3/onboarding

Request Headers

Header Required? Description
DYDX-SIGNATURE yes Ethereum key authentication
DYDX-ETHEREUM-ADDRESS yes Ethereum address of the user


The header DYDX-SIGNATURE is an EIP-712 Ethereum signature on a static message containing the fields:

See reference implementations: [Python] [TypeScript]

Ethereum Key Private Endpoints

This group includes the POST and DELETE v3/api-keys endpoints for managing API keys. Like the onboarding endpoint, requests to these endpoints require signatures by the user's Ethereum key.

Request Headers

Header Required? Description
DYDX-SIGNATURE yes Ethereum key authentication
DYDX-ETHEREUM-ADDRESS yes Ethereum address of the user
DYDX-TIMESTAMP yes ISO timestamp of when the request was signed. Must be within 30 seconds of the server time.


The header DYDX-SIGNATURE is an EIP-712-compliant Ethereum signature on a message containing the fields:

See reference implementations: [Python] [TypeScript]

API Key Private Endpoints

All private endpoints not listed above fall in this category, and must be authenticated via an API key.

Request Headers

Header Required? Description
DYDX-SIGNATURE yes HMAC of the request.
DYDX-API-KEY yes Api key for the account.
DYDX-TIMESTAMP yes ISO timestamp of when the request was signed. Must be within 30 seconds of the server time.
DYDX-PASSPHRASE yes The passphrase field of the API key.
DYDX-ACCOUNT-NUMBER no Account number used to scope the request. Defaults to zero.


The DYDX-SIGNATURE is a SHA-256 HMAC produced as described below, and encoded as a Base64 string.

A SHA-256 HMAC is created using the API key secret and the message timestamp + method + requestPath + body defined as follows:

The HMAC should be encoded as a Base64 string and sent as the DYDX-SIGNATURE header.

See reference implementations: [Python] [TypeScript]



A few steps are required of all accounts before they can begin trading:

  1. Create a user, providing a STARK public key to be associated with the main account.
  2. Request registration signature from dYdX.
  3. Send registration request to the L1 smart contract.
  4. Approve collateral token allowance on the L1 smart contract.
  5. Deposit collateral token to the L1 smart contract.

All of these steps are supported by the Python and TypeScript clients. See the Python integration tests for an example of onboarding and usage of various endpoints.

Create User

onboarding_information = client.onboarding.create_user(
  # Optional if stark_private_key was provided.
  # Optional if eth_private_key or web3.eth.defaultAccount was provided.
const onboardingInformation: {
  apiKey: ApiKeyCredentials,
  user: UserResponseObject,
  account: AccountResponseObject,
}  = await client.onboarding.createUser(
    starkKey: '71234abcd...',
    starkKeyYCoordinate: '01234abcd...',
    country: 'SG',
  ethereumAddress: 'ethereumAddress',
  "apiKey": {
    "key": "290decd9-548b-62a8-d603-45a988386fc8",
    "passphrase": "S6a8lUhACPY2L5MWDvPl",
    "secret": "KQ3s2VSLYqjWA0WpiDhvyEumvJVIQAj2Ni-TFg7z"
  "user": {
    "ethereumAddress": "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "isRegistered": true,
    "email": "",
    "username": "supersam15o",
    "referredByAffiliateLink": null,
    "makerFeeRate": "0.01",
    "takerFeeRate": "0.01",
    "makerVolume30D": "1000.00",
    "takerVolume30D": "1000.00",
    "fees30D": "00.50",
    "userData": {},
    "dydxTokenBalance": "0",
    "stakedDydxTokenBalance": "0",
    "isEmailVerified": false,
    "isSharingUsername": null,
    "isSharingAddress": true,
    "country": "SG",
  "account": {
    "starkKey": "180913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "positionId": "1812",
    "equity": "10000",
    "freeCollateral": "10000",
    "quoteBalance": "10000",
    "pendingDeposits": "0",
    "pendingWithdrawals": "0",
    "createdAt": "2021-04-09T21:08:34.984Z",
    "openPositions": {
      "BTC-USD": {
        "market": "BTC-USD",
        "status": "OPEN",
        "side": "LONG",
        "size": "1000",
        "maxSize": "1050",
        "entryPrice": "100",
        "exitPrice": null,
        "unrealizedPnl": "50",
        "realizedPnl": "100",
        "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
        "closedAt": null,
        "netFunding": "500",
        "sumOpen": "1050",
        "sumClose": "50"
    "accountNumber": "5",
    "id": "id"

HTTP Request

POST v3/onboarding

Description: Onboard a user so they can begin using dYdX V3 API. This will generate a user, account and derive a key, passphrase and secret from the signature.


Parameter Description
starkKey Public starkKey associated with the key-pair you created.
starkKeyYCoordinate Public starkKey Y-Coordinate associated with the key-pair you created.
ethereumAddress Ethereum address associated with the user being created.
referredByAffiliateLink (Optional) Link to affiliate the user was referred by.
country (Optional) Country of the user's residence. Must be ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 compliant.


Parameter Description
apiKey See ApiKeyCredentials.
user See User.
account See Account.

Derive StarkKey

Derive StarkKey

key_pair_with_y_coordinate = client.onboarding.derive_stark_key(
  # Optional if eth_private_key or web3.eth.defaultAccount was provided.
const keyPairWithYCoordinate: KeyPairWithYCoordinate = await client.onboarding.deriveStarkKey(


Parameter Description
ethereumAddress Ethereum address associated with the user being created.


Parameter Description
keyPairWithYCoordinate KeyPairWithYCoordinate.


field type description
publicKey string The x-coordinate of the publicKey.
publicKeyYCoordinate string The y-coordinate of the publicKey.
privateKey string The privateKey for the key pair.

Recover Default API Credentials

Recover Default API Credentials

api_credentials = client.onboarding.recover_default_api_key_credentials(
  # Optional if eth_private_key or web3.eth.defaultAccount was provided.
const apiCredentials: ApiKeyCredentials = await client.onboarding.recoverDefaultApiCredentials(


Parameter Description
ethereumAddress Ethereum address associated with the user being created.


Parameter Description
apiCredentials ApiKeyCredentials.


field type description
key string UUID identifying the credentials.
secret string Secret string used to generate HMACs.
passphrase string Secret string sent with each request.

Recover StarkKey, QuoteBalance and Open Positions


recovery = client.eth_private.recovery(
  # Optional if eth_private_key or web3.eth.defaultAccount was provided.
const recovery: {
  starkKey: string,
  positionId: string,
  quoteBalance: string,
  positions: PositionResponseObject[],
} = client.ethPrivate.recovery(
  "starkKey": "180913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
  "positionId": "1812",
  "equity": "10000",
  "freeCollateral": "10000",
  "quoteBalance": "10000",
  "positions": [
      "market": "BTC-USD",
      "status": "OPEN",
      "side": "LONG",
      "size": "1000",
      "maxSize": "1050",
      "entryPrice": "100",
      "exitPrice": null,
      "unrealizedPnl": "50",
      "realizedPnl": "100",
      "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
      "closedAt": null,
      "netFunding": "500",
      "sumOpen": "1050",
      "sumClose": "50"

HTTP Request

GET v3/recovery

Description: This is for if you can't recover your starkKey or apiKey and need an additional way to get your starkKey and balance on our exchange, both of which are needed to call the L1 solidity function needed to recover your funds.


Parameter Description
starkKey Public starkKey associated with the key-pair you created.
positionId Starkware-specific positionId.
equity The amount of equity (value) in the account. Uses balances and oracle-prices to calculate.
freeCollateral The amount of collateral that is withdrawable from the account.
quoteBalance Human readable quote token balance. Can be negative.
positions See Positions. Note, only open position are returned.

Get Registration

Get Registration

signature = client.private.get_registration()
const signature: { signature: string } = await client.private.getRegistration();
  "signature": "foo"

HTTP Request

GET v3/registration

Description: Gets the dYdX provided Ethereum signature required to send a registration transaction to the Starkware smart contract.


Parameter Description
signature Ethereum signature authorizing the user's Ethereum address to register for the corresponding position id.

Register API Key

Register API Key

api_key_response = client.eth_private.create_api_key(
  # Optional if eth_private_key or web3.eth.defaultAccount was provided.
const apiKey: { apiKey: ApiKeyCredentials } = await client.ethPrivate.createApiKey(
  "apiKey": {
    "key": "290decd9-548b-62a8-d603-45a988386fc8",
    "passphrase": "S6a8lUhACPY2L5MWDvPl",
    "secret": "KQ3s2VSLYqjWA0WpiDhvyEumvJVIQAj2Ni-TFg7z"

HTTP Request

POST v3/api-keys

Description: Create new API key credentials for a user. Limit: 20 API keys per user.


Parameter Description
apiKey ApiKeyCredentials.

Get API Keys

Get API Keys

api_keys = client.private.get_api_keys()
const apiKeys: { keys: string[] } = await client.private.getApiKeys();
  "apiKeys": [

HTTP Request

GET v3/api-keys

Description: Get all api keys associated with an Ethereum address.


Parameter Description
apiKeys Array of apiKey strings corresponding to the ethereumAddress in the request.

Delete API Key

Delete API Key

  # Optional if eth_private_key or web3.eth.defaultAccount was provided.
await client.ethPrivate.delete_api_key(
  '290decd9-548b-...', // API key
  '0x0123...', // Ethereum address
  "apiKey": "foo"

HTTP Request

DELETE v3/api-keys

Description: Delete an api key by key and Ethereum address.


Parameter Description
apiKey Public api key being deleted.
ethereumAdddress Ethereum address the api key is associated with.


Returns a 200 on success.

Get User

Get User

user = client.private.get_user()
const user: { user: UserResponseObject } = await client.private.getUser();
  "user": {
    "ethereumAddress": "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "isRegistered": true,
    "email": "",
    "username": "supersam15o",
    "referredByAffiliateLink": null,
    "makerFeeRate": "0.01",
    "takerFeeRate": "0.01",
    "makerVolume30D": "1000.00",
    "takerVolume30D": "1000.00",
    "fees30D": "00.50",
    "userData": {},
    "dydxTokenBalance": "0",
    "stakedDydxTokenBalance": "0",
    "isEmailVerified": false,
    "hedgiesHeld": [1, 2, 3000],
    "country": "CN",
    "languageCode": "zh-CN"

HTTP Request

GET v3/users

Description: return the user and user information.


Parameter Description
ethereumAddress The 20-byte Ethereum address.
isRegistered True if the user is registered on the starkware smart contract. This is false otherwise.
email Email address.
username User defined username.
referredByAffiliateLink The affiliate link that referred this user, or null if the user was not referred.
makerFeeRate The fee rate the user would be willing to take as the maker. Fee rates are rounded to a 100th of a basis point, or 0.0001%. Note, 1% would be represented as 0.01.
takerFeeRate The fee rate the user would be willing to take as the taker. Fee rates are rounded to a 100th of a basis point, or 0.0001%. Note, 1% would be represented as 0.01.
makerVolume30D The user's trailing-thirty-day maker volume in USD.
takerVolume30D The user's trailing-thirty-day taker volume in USD.
fees30D The user's trailing-thirty-day fees in USD.
userData The user's unstructured user data.
dydxTokenBalance The user's DYDX token holdings.
stakedDydxTokenBalance The user's staked DYDX token holdings
isEmailVerified If the user's email address is verified to receive emails from dYdX.
hedgiesHeld Indices of all Hedgies held by the user.
country Country of the user's residence. Must be ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 compliant.
languageCode The user's preferred language. Must be ISO 639-1 compliant, including 'zh-CN'.

Update User

Update user

user = client.private.update_user(
const user: { user: UserResponseObject } = await client.private.updateUser({
  email: '',
  username: 'username',
  isSharingEmail: false,
  isSharingAddress: false,
  userData: {},
  country: 'SG',
  languageCode: 'en',
  "user": {
    "ethereumAddress": "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "isRegistered": true,
    "email": "",
    "username": "supersam15o",
    "referredByAffiliateLink": null,
    "makerFeeRate": "0.01",
    "takerFeeRate": "0.01",
    "makerVolume30D": "1000.00",
    "takerVolume30D": "1000.00",
    "fees30D": "00.50",
    "userData": {},
    "dydxTokenBalance": "0",
    "stakedDydxTokenBalance": "0",
    "isEmailVerified": false,
    "country": "SG",
    "languageCode": "en"

HTTP Request

PUT v3/users

Description: Update user information and return the updated user.

Parameter Description
userData User metadata in a JSON blob.
email (Optional) Email to be used with the user.
username (Optional) Username to be used for the user.
isSharingUsername (Optional) Share username publically on leaderboard rankings.
isSharingAddress (Optional) Share ETH address publically on leaderboard rankings.
country (Optional) Country of the user's residence. Must be ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 compliant.
languageCode (Optional) The user's preferred language. Must be ISO 639-1 compliant, including 'zh-CN'.


Parameter Description
user See User.

Get User Active Links

links = client.private.get_user_links()
const userLinks: UserLinksResponseObject = await client.private.getUserLinks();
  "userType": "SECONDARY",
  "primaryAddress": "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
  "secondaryAddresses": null

HTTP Request

GET v3/users/links

Description: return active user links.


Parameter Description
userType PRIMARY, SECONDARY, or null if no active links.
primaryAddress Address of the PRIMARY user if userType = SECONDARY. null otherwise.
linkedAddresses Addresses of the SECONDARY users if userType = PRIMARY. null otherwise.

Send User Link Request

pending_links = client.private.send_link_request('CREATE_SECONDARY_REQUEST', '0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4')
const res: {} = await client.private.sendLinkRequest({
  action: LinkAction.REMOVE,
  address: "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4"

HTTP Request

POST v3/users/links

Description: Send a new request to link users, respond to a pending request, or remove a link.

All DYDX rewards will be calculated and distributed to the primary address following the current rewards formulas.

For trading rewards, all formula terms will be summed and aggregated across linked addresses, including fees paid, open interest, and stkDYDX. For liquidity provider rewards, all formula terms will be summed and aggregated across linked addresses, including depth/score score, stkDYDX, and maker volume. For each market, the max uptime across linked addresses will be used.


Parameter Description
address Address that the link is with (should not be your own).


Parameter Description
{} Empty object upon success.
Action Description
CREATE_SECONDARY_REQUEST Create a pending link request for the address to become SECONDARY, and your address to become PRIMARY. Request will be rejected if either address is already linked.
DELETE_SECONDARY_REQUEST Delete an outgoing link request from your address.
ACCEPT_PRIMARY_REQUEST Accept a pending link request for your address to become SECONDARY and their address to become PRIMARY.
REJECT_PRIMARY_REQUEST Reject an incoming pending link request.
REMOVE Remove an active link between your address and the other's.

Get User Pending Link Requests

pending_links = client.private.get_user_pending_link_requests()
const userPendingLinks: UserLinkRequestsResponseObject = await client.private.getUserPendingLinkRequests();
  "userType": null,
  "outgoingRequests": [],
  "incomingRequests": [
      "primaryAddress": "0x99b0599952a4fd2d1a1561fa4c010827ead30354",
      "secondaryAddress": "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4"

HTTP Request

GET v3/users/links/requests

Description: return pending user links.


Parameter Description
userType PRIMARY, SECONDARY, or null if no active links.
outgoingRequests Outgoing requests for another user to be linked as SECONDARY to this user. null if userType = SECONDARY.
incomingRequests Incoming requests for this user to be linked as SECONDARY to another user. null if userType != null.

Create An Account

Create Account

const account: { account: AccountResponseObject } = await client.private.createAccount(
  '701234abcd...', // starkKey
  '1234abcd...', // starkKeyYCoordinate
  "account": {
    "starkKey": "180913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "positionId": "1812",
    "equity": "10000",
    "freeCollateral": "10000",
    "quoteBalance": "10000",
    "pendingDeposits": "0",
    "pendingWithdrawals": "0",
    "createdAt": "2021-04-09T21:08:34.984Z",
    "openPositions": {
      "BTC-USD": {
        "market": "BTC-USD",
        "status": "OPEN",
        "side": "LONG",
        "size": "1000",
        "maxSize": "1050",
        "entryPrice": "100",
        "exitPrice": null,
        "unrealizedPnl": "50",
        "realizedPnl": "100",
        "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
        "closedAt": null,
        "netFunding": "500",
        "sumOpen": "1050",
        "sumClose": "50"
    "accountNumber": "5",
    "id": "id"

HTTP Request

POST v3/accounts

Description: Create an account with a given starkKey.


Parameter Description
starkKey Public starkKey associated with the key-pair you created.
starkKeyYCoordinate Public starkKey Y-Coordinate associated with the key-pair you created.


Parameter Description
account See Account.

Get Account

Get Account

account = client.private.get_account(
  # Optional if eth_private_key or web3.eth.defaultAccount was provided.
const account: { account: AccountResponseObject } = await client.private.getAccount(
  "account": {
    "starkKey": "180913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "positionId": "1812",
    "equity": "10000",
    "freeCollateral": "10000",
    "quoteBalance": "10000",
    "pendingDeposits": "0",
    "pendingWithdrawals": "0",
    "createdAt": "2021-04-09T21:08:34.984Z",
    "openPositions": {
      "BTC-USD": {
        "market": "BTC-USD",
        "status": "OPEN",
        "side": "LONG",
        "size": "1000",
        "maxSize": "1050",
        "entryPrice": "100",
        "exitPrice": null,
        "unrealizedPnl": "50",
        "realizedPnl": "100",
        "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
        "closedAt": null,
        "netFunding": "500",
        "sumOpen": "1050",
        "sumClose": "50"
    "accountNumber": "5",
    "id": "id"

HTTP Request

GET v3/accounts/:id

Description: Get an account for a user by id. Using the client, the id will be generated with client information and an Ethereum address.


Parameter Description
ethereumAddress Ethereum address associated with an account.


Parameter Description
starkKey Public StarkKey associated with an account.
positionId Starkware-specific positionId.
equity The amount of equity (value) in the account. Uses balances and oracle-prices to calculate.
freeCollateral The amount of collateral that is withdrawable from the account.
quoteBalance Human readable quote token balance. Can be negative.
pendingDeposits The sum amount of all pending deposits.
pendingWithdrawals The sum amount of all pending withdrawal requests.
createdAt When the account was first created in UTC.
openPositions See Positions. Note, markets where the user has no position are not returned in the map.
accountNumber Unique accountNumber for the account.
id Unique id of the account hashed from the userId and the accountNumber.

Get Account Leaderboard PNLs

Get Account Leaderboard PNLs

const account: { accountPnls: AccountLeaderboardPnlResponseObject } = await client.private.getAccountLeaderboardPnl(
  "absolutePnl": "100.000000",
  "percentPnl": "100.000000",
  "absoluteRank": 10,
  "percentRank": 10,
  "startedAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "endsAt": "2021-08-10T00:00:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-08-02T22:53:45.659Z",
  "accountId": "afoo",
  "period": "BRONZE",
  "seasonExpectedOutcome": "PROMOTION",
  "seasonNumber": 16,
  "hedgieWon": null,
  "prizeWon": "100000"

HTTP Request

GET v3/accounts/leaderboard-pnl/:period

Description: Get an account's personal leaderboard pnls.


Parameter Description
startingBeforeOrAt (Optional) Latest the leaderboard starts at.


Parameter Description
absolutePnl The account's latest updated absolute PNL.
percentPnl The account's latest updated percent PNL.
absoluteRank User's absolute PNL rank. null if not ranked.
percentRank User's percent PNL rank. null if not ranked.
startedAt Starting time for this pnl. Note: will only be set if being used for a competition or leagues. Otherwise, this value will always be null.
endsAt Ending time for this pnl. Note: will only be set if being used for a competition or leagues. Otherwise, this value will always be null. (Can be a future time.)
updatedAt When these leaderboard PNLs were last updated.
accountId The account the PNLs are for.
seasonExpectedOutcome User's expected outcome of latest season. "PROMOTION", "DEMOTION", or "SAME_LEAGUE". null if not "LEAGUES".
seasonNumber Leagues season number. Starts at 1. null if not "LEAGUES".
hedgieWon Index of hedgie won. null if no hedgie won.
prizeWon Amount of cash prize won in dollars. null if no prize won.

Get Account Historical Leaderboard PNLs

Get Account Historical Leaderboard PNLs

historical_leaderboard_pnls = client.private.get_historical_leaderboard_pnls("LEAGUES")
const historicalLeaderboardPnls: HistoricalLeaderboardPnlsResponseObject = await client.private.getAccountHistoricalLeaderboardPnl(
  "leaderboardPnls" : [
      "absolutePnl": "100.000000",
      "percentPnl": "100.000000",
      "absoluteRank": 10,
      "percentRank": 10,
      "startedAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "endsAt": "2021-08-10T00:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-08-02T22:53:45.659Z",
      "accountId": "afoo",
      "period": "BRONZE",
      "seasonOutcome": "PROMOTION",
      "seasonNumber": 16,
      "hedgieWon": null,
      "prizeWon": "100000"

HTTP Request

GET v3/accounts/historical-leaderboard-pnls/:period

Description: Get an account's historical leaderboard pnls.


Parameter Description
period Leaderboard period. "LEAGUES", "DAILY", or "DAILY_COMPETITION".
limit Integer between 1 to 10, which indicates the number of most recent leaderboard pnls to be returned. By default this value will be 10.


Parameter Description
leaderboardPnls Array of "LeaderboardPnl" from oldest to most recent. See "LeaderboardPnl" below.


Parameter Description
absolutePnl The account's latest updated absolute PNL.
percentPnl The account's latest updated percent PNL.
absoluteRank User's absolute PNL rank. null if not ranked.
percentRank User's percent PNL rank. null if not ranked.
startedAt Starting time for this pnl. Note: will only be set if being used for a competition or leagues. Otherwise, this value will always be null.
endsAt Ending time for this pnl. Note: will only be set if being used for a competition or leagues. Otherwise, this value will always be null. (Can be a future time.)
updatedAt When these leaderboard PNLs were last updated.
accountId The account the PNLs are for.
period Leaderboard period. "LEAGUES", "DAILY", or "DAILY_COMPETITION".
seasonExpectedOutcome User's expected outcome of latest season. "PROMOTION", "DEMOTION", or "SAME_LEAGUE". null if not "LEAGUES".
seasonNumber Leagues season number. Starts at 1. null if not "LEAGUES".
hedgieWon Index of hedgie won. null if no hedgie won.
prizeWon Amount of cash prize won in dollars. null if no prize won.

Get Accounts

Get Account

accounts = client.private.get_accounts()
const accounts: { accounts: AccountResponseObject[] } = await client.private.getAccounts();
{ "accounts": [{
    "starkKey": "180913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "positionId": "1812",
    "equity": "10000",
    "freeCollateral": "10000",
    "quoteBalance": "10000",
    "pendingDeposits": "0",
    "pendingWithdrawals": "0",
    "createdAt": "2021-04-09T21:08:34.984Z",
    "openPositions": {
      "BTC-USD": {
        "market": "BTC-USD",
        "status": "OPEN",
        "side": "LONG",
        "size": "1000",
        "maxSize": "1050",
        "entryPrice": "100",
        "exitPrice": null,
        "unrealizedPnl": "50",
        "realizedPnl": "100",
        "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
        "closedAt": null,
        "netFunding": "500",
        "sumOpen": "1050",
        "sumClose": "50"
    "accountNumber": "5",
    "id": "id"

HTTP Request

GET v3/accounts

Description: Get all accounts for a user.


Parameter Description
accounts See Account. Returns an array of Accounts.

Get Positions

Get Positions

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD
from dydx3.constants import POSITION_STATUS_OPEN

all_positions = client.private.get_positions(
const positions: { positions: PositionResponseObject[] } = await client.private.getPositions(
    market: Market.BTC_USD,
    status: PositionStatus.OPEN,
  "market": "BTC-USD",
  "status": "OPEN",
  "side": "LONG",
  "size": "1000",
  "maxSize": "1050",
  "entryPrice": "100",
  "exitPrice": null,
  "unrealizedPnl": "50",
  "realizedPnl": "100",
  "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
  "closedAt": null,
  "netFunding": "500",
  "sumOpen": "1050",
  "sumClose": "50"

HTTP Request

GET v3/positions

Description: Get all current positions for a user by specified query parameters.

For each market, a position is created with status=OPEN. A position is set to status=CLOSED when it goes to market-neutral (i.e. size=0). On a per-market basis, there should be at most one status=OPEN position at any given time.


Parameter Description
market (Optional) Market of the position.
status (Optional) Status of the position. Can be OPEN, CLOSED or LIQUIDATED.
limit (Optional) The maximum number of positions that can be fetched via this request. Note, this cannot be greater than 100.
createdBeforeOrAt (Optional) Set a date by which the positions had to be created.


Parameter Description
market The market of the position.
status The status of the position.
side The side of the position. LONG or SHORT.
size The current size of the position. Positive if long, negative if short, 0 if closed.
maxSize The maximum (absolute value) size of the position. Positive if long, negative if short.
entryPrice Average price paid to enter the position.
exitPrice Average price paid to exit the position.
unrealizedPnl The unrealized pnl of the position in quote currency using the market's index-price for the position to calculate.
realizedPnl The realized pnl of the position in quote currency.
createdAt Timestamp of when the position was opened.
closedAt Timestamp of when the position was closed.
netFunding Sum of all funding payments for this position.
sumOpen Sum of all trades sizes that increased the size of this position.
sumClose Sum of all trades sizes that decreased the size of this position.

Get Transfers

Get Transfers

from dydx3.constants import ACCOUNT_ACTION_DEPOSIT

transfers = client.private.get_transfers(
const transfers: { transfers: TransferResponseObject[] } = await client.private.getTransfers(
    type: AccountAction.DEPOSIT,
    limit: 50,
  "transfers": [{
    "id": "foo",
    "type": "DEPOSIT",
    "debitAsset": "USDC",
    "creditAsset": "USDT",
    "debitAmount": "3000",
    "creditAmount": "2800",
    "transactionHash": "hash",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
    "confirmedAt": null,
    "clientId": "foo",
    "fromAddress": "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "toAddress": null

HTTP Request

GET v3/transfers

Description: Get transfers for a user, limited by query parameters.


Parameter Description
transferType (Optional) Type of the transfer. Can be DEPOSIT, WITHDRAWAL or FAST_WITHDRAWAL.
limit (Optional) The maximum number of transfers that can be fetched via this request. Note, this cannot be greater than 100.
createdBeforeOrAt Latest that the transfers could have been created.


Parameter Description
id Unique id assigned by dYdX.
type Type of the transfer. Will be DEPOSIT, WITHDRAWAL or FAST_WITHDRAWAL.
debitAsset Asset that was debited (USDC, USDT, USD, etc).
creditAsset Asset that was credited (USDC, USDT, USD, etc).
debitAmount Amount that was sent in for the deposit in debitAsset.
creditAmount Amount that was credited to the account in creditAsset.
transactionHash Ethereum transaction hash of the transfer.
status Status of the transfer. Will be PENDING or CONFIRMED.
createdAt Timestamp when created.
confirmedAt Timestamp when confirmed.
clientId ClientId of transfer.
fromAddress The Ethereum address the transfer is from.
toAddress The Ethereum address the transfer is for.

Fast vs. Slow Withdrawal

The normal process for withdrawing from L2 to L1 requires waiting for a block of L2 transactions to be collected, and the zero-knowledge proof for the block to be constructed and verified on-chain.

Using the fast withdrawal process, users can get their funds on L1 much faster by essentially trading their L2 funds to an “LP” account operated by dYdX, in order to receive immediate liquidity on L1. Since the LP must then recycle these funds from L2 to L1 via the regular withdrawal process, dYdX is only able to process a certain volume of fast withdrawals within a given period of time.

Create Withdrawal

Create Withdrawal

from dydx3.constants import ASSET_USDC

withdrawal = client.private.create_withdrawal(
  position_id=1, # required for creating the withdrawal signature
const withdrawal: { withdrawal: TransferResponseObject } = await client.private.createWithdrawal(
    amount: '100',
    asset: Asset.USDC,
    expiration: '2020-12-28T22:49:31.588Z',
  '1', // positionId required for creating the withdrawal signature
  "withdrawal": {
    "id": "foo",
    "type": "WITHDRAWAL",
    "debitAsset": "USDC",
    "creditAsset": "USDC",
    "debitAmount": "3000",
    "creditAmount": "2800",
    "transactionHash": "hash",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
    "confirmedAt": null,
    "clientId": "foo",
    "fromAddress": "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "toAddress": null

HTTP Request

POST v3/withdrawals

Description: Create a withdrawal from an account.

An additional L1 transaction has to be sent to the Starkware contract to retrieve funds after a slow withdrawal. This cannot be done until the zero-knowledge proof for the block has been constructed and verified on-chain. For the L1 transaction, the Ethereum address that the starkKey is registered to must call either the withdraw or withdrawTo smart-contract functions. The contract ABI is not tied to a particular client but can be accessed via a client. All withdrawable funds are withdrawn at once.

Both Layer 1 withdrawal methods can be accessed from starkex-eth.


Parameter Description
amount Amount to be withdrawn.
asset Asset being withdrawn. Can currently only be USDC.
expiration Datetime at which the withdrawal expires if it has not been completed. Expiration must be at least seven days in the future.
clientId Unique id of the client associated with the withdrawal. Must be <= 40 characters. When using the client, if not included, will be randomly generated by the client.
signature The signature for the withdrawal, signed with the account's STARK private key. When using the client, if not included, will be done by the client. For more information see above.


Parameter Description
withdrawal See Transfers.

Create Fast Withdrawal

Create Fast Withdrawal

from dydx3.constants import ASSET_USDC

fast_withdrawal = client.private.create_fast_withdrawal(
  position_id='1', # required for creating the fast-withdrawal signature
  signature='0abc12...',  # Optional if stark_private_key was provided to client.
const fastWithdrawal: { withdrawal: TransferResponseObject } = await client.private.createFastWithdrawal(
    creditAsset: Asset.USDC,
    creditAmount: '100',
    debitAmount: '110',
    toAddress: '0x98ab...',
    lpPositionId: '2',
    clientId: 'client',
    signature: '0abc12...', // Optional if starkPrivateKey was provided to client.
  '1', // positionId required for creating the fast-withdrawal signature
  "withdrawal": {
    "id": "foo",
    "type": "FAST_WITHDRAWAL",
    "debitAsset": "USDC",
    "creditAsset": "USDC",
    "debitAmount": "3000",
    "creditAmount": "2800",
    "transactionHash": "hash",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
    "confirmedAt": null,
    "clientId": "foo",
    "fromAddress": "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "toAddress": null

HTTP Request

POST v3/fast-withdrawals

Description: Create a fast-withdrawal. dYdX article on how fast withdrawals work.


Parameter Description
creditAsset Asset being withdrawn. Can currently only be USDC.
creditAmount Amount that is expected.
debitAmount Amount offered in USDC for the credit amount.
toAddress Address to be credited.
lpPositionId LP Position Id of the debit account.
expiration Datetime at which the withdrawal expires if it has not been completed. Expiration must be at least seven days in the future.
signature Signature for the fast-withdrawal, signed with the account's STARK private key. When using the client, if not included, will be done by the client. For more information see above.
clientId Unique id of the client associated with the fast-withdrawal. Must be <= 40 characters. When using the client, if not included, will be randomly generated by the client.

expectedCredit is the result of computing debitAmount - min(gas_fee).


Parameter Description
withdrawal See Transfers.

Returns 400 if expectedCredit != creditAmount.

Order Types

Type Description
MARKET Market order (must be FOK or IOC).
LIMIT Limit order.
STOP Stop limit order.
TRAILING_STOP Trailing stop limit order.
TAKE_PROFIT Take-profit order.
LIQUIDATED Indicates the account was liquidated (fills only).
LIQUIDATION Indicates the account took over a liquidated account (fills only).

Create A New Order

Create Order

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD
from dydx3.constants import ORDER_SIDE_SELL
from dydx3.constants import ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT
from dydx3.constants import TIME_IN_FORCE_GTT

placed_order = client.private.create_order(
  position_id=1, # required for creating the order signature
const order: { order: OrderResponseObject } = await client.private.createOrder(
    side: OrderSide.SELL,
    type: OrderType.LIMIT,
    timeInForce: TimeInForce.GTT,
    postOnly: false,
    size: '100',
    price: '18000',
    limitFee: '0.015',
    expiration: '2022-12-21T21:30:20.200Z',
  '1', // required for creating the order signature
  "order": {
    "id": "foo",
    "clientId": "foo",
    "accountId": "afoo",
    "market": "BTC-USD",
    "side": "SELL",
    "price": "18000",
    "triggerPrice": null,
    "trailingPercent": null,
    "size": "100",
    "remainingSize": "100",
    "type": "LIMIT",
    "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
    "unfillableAt": null,
    "expiresAt": "2022-12-21T21:30:20.200Z",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "timeInForce": "GTT",
    "postOnly": false,
    "reduceOnly": false,
    "cancelReason": null

HTTP Request

POST v3/orders

Description: Create a new order.


Parameter Description
market Market of the order.
side Either BUY or SELL.
type The type of order. This can be MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LIMIT, TRAILING_STOP or TAKE_PROFIT.
postOnly Whether the order should be canceled if it would fill immediately on reaching the matching-engine.
size Size of the order, in base currency (i.e. an ETH-USD position of size 1 represents 1 ETH).
price Worst accepted price of the base asset in USD.
limitFee Is the highest accepted fee for the trade. See below for more information.
expiration Time at which the order will expire if not filled. This is the Good-Til-Time and is accurate to a granularity of about 15 seconds.
timeInForce (Optional) One of GTT (Good til time), FOK(Fill or kill) or IOC (Immediate or cancel). This will default to GTT.
cancelId (Optional) The id of the order that is being replaced by this one.
triggerPrice (Optional) The triggerPrice at which this order will go to the matching-engine.
trailingPercent (Optional) The percent that the triggerPrice trails the index price of the market.
reduceOnly (Optional) Whether the order should be reduce-only. Only supported on FOK(Fill or kill) or IOC (Immediate or cancel) orders.
clientId Unique id of the client associated with the order. Must be <= 40 characters. When using the client, if not included, will be randomly generated by the client.
signature Signature for the order, signed with the account's STARK private key. When using the client, if not included, will be done by the client. For more information see above.


Parameter Description
order See order.

Order LimitFee

The limitFee is the highest fee a user would be willing to accept on an order. This should be in decimal form (i.e. 0.1 is 10%). To see current fees, call GET /v3/users and the maker/taker fee rates show what fees will be. If the order is postOnly dYdX will validate against makerFeeRate only. The opposite is true if the order is FOK or IOC - dYdX will only validate against takerFeeRate. Otherwise, dYdX assesses against the maximum of maker and taker fee rate.

Tick Size and Minimum Size

Tick Size

Each market has a specified tickSize. Order price must be a multiple of the tickSize. The same applies to triggerPrice and trailingPercent if either of these are not null.

Minimum Size

Each market has a specified minOrderSize. Order size must be not be less than the minOrderSize.

Order Deletion

Canceled orders older than one month are deleted from the dYdX database.

Reduce Only

A reduce-only order can only reduce an existing position.

The reduce-only option can be combined with any order type (Limit, Market, Stop Loss, Take Profit, Trailing Stop), but is only available for taker orders (Immediate-or-Cancel and Fill-or-Kill).

UNTRIGGERED reduce-only orders are either resized or canceled (with cancel reason REDUCE_ONLY_RESIZED) if the underlying position shrinks or no longer exists. When there are multiple UNTRIGGERED reduce-only orders and the total order size exceeds the existing position, they will be resized/canceled starting from the order that will be filled last.

Cancel An Order

Cancel an order

await client.private.cancelOrder('0x0000');

HTTP Request

DELETE v3/orders/:id

Description: Cancel an order by its unique id.


Parameter Description
orderId Unique id of the order to be canceled.


Parameter Description
cancelOrder See order.

Cancel Orders

Cancel Orders

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD

await client.private.cancelAllOrders(Market.BTC_USD);

HTTP Request

DELETE v3/orders

Description: Either bulk cancel all orders or just all orders for a specific market.


Parameter Description
market (Optional) Market of the orders being canceled.


Parameter Description
cancelOrders Returns an array of orders to be canceled. See order.

Cancel Active Orders

Cancel Active Orders

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD
from dydx3.constants import ORDER_SIDE_SELL

market_side_orders = client.private.cancel_active_orders(
const marketSideOrders: {
  cancelOrders: ActiveOrderResponseObject[],
} = await client.private.cancelActiveOrders(
    market: Market.BTC_USD,
    side: OrderSide.SELL,
  "cancelOrders": [
      "id": "id",
      "accountId": "afoo",
      "market": "BTC-USD",
      "side": "SELL",
      "price": "29000",
      "remainingSize": "0.500",

HTTP Request

DELETE v3/active-orders

Description: Cancel active orders that match request parameters.


Parameter Description
market Market of the order.
side (Optional) Either BUY or SELL. This parameter is required if id is included.
id (Optional) The unique id assigned by dYdX. Note, if id is not found, will return a 400.


Parameter Description
cancelOrders Returns an array of active orders to be canceled. See activeOrder.

Get Orders

Get Orders

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD
from dydx3.constants import ORDER_SIDE_SELL
from dydx3.constants import ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT
from dydx3.constants import ORDER_STATUS_OPEN

all_orders = client.private.get_orders(
const allOrders: { orders: OrderResponseObject[] } = await client.private.getOrders(
    market: Market.BTC_USD,
    status: OrderStatus.OPEN,
    side: OrderSide.SELL,
    type: OrderType.LIMIT,
    limit: 50,
  "orders": [
      "id": "id",
      "clientId": "foo",
      "accountId": "afoo",
      "market": "BTC-USD",
      "side": "SELL",
      "price": "29000",
      "triggerPrice": null,
      "trailingPercent": null,
      "size": "0.500",
      "remainingSize": "0.500",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
      "unfillableAt": null,
      "expiresAt": "2021-02-04T23:44:59.690Z",
      "status": "OPEN",
      "timeInForce": "GTT",
      "postOnly": false,
      "cancelReason": null

HTTP Request

GET v3/orders

Description: Get active (not filled or canceled) orders for a user by specified parameters.


Parameter Description
market (Optional) Market of the order.
status (Optional) A list of statuses to filter by. Must be in the subset PENDING
side (Optional) Either BUY or SELL.
type (Optional) The expected type of the order. This can be LIMIT, STOP, TRAILING_STOP or TAKE_PROFIT.
limit (Optional) The maximum number of orders that can be fetched via this request. Note, this cannot be greater than 100.
createdBeforeOrAt (Optional) Set a date by which the orders had to be created.
returnLatestOrders (Optional) Returns the most recently created orders instead of the oldest and the order is from most recent to least recent (up to limit).


Parameter Description
orders An array of orders. See order below.


Parameter Description
id The unique id assigned by dYdX.
clientId The unique id assigned by the client.
accountId The id of the account.
market Market of the fill.
side Either BUY or SELL.
price The price of the order. Must adhere to the market's tick size.
triggerPrice The trigger price of the order. Must adhere to the market's tick size.
trailingPercent Used for trailing stops. Percent drop from maximum price that will trigger the order.
size Total size (base currency) of the order
remainingSize Size of order not yet filled.
type The type of the fill.
createdAt Timestamp when the fill was created.
unfillableAt Time order was either filled or canceled.
expiresAt Time order will expire.
status See order statuses below.
timeInForce One of GTT (Good til time), FOK(Fill or kill) or IOC (Immediate or cancel). This will default to GTT.
postOnly If the order will cancel if it would take the position of TAKER.
cancelReason See cancel reasons below.

Order Statuses

Status Description
PENDING Order has yet to be processed by the matching engine.
OPEN Order is active and on the orderbook. Could be partially filled.
FILLED Fully filled.
CANCELED Canceled, for one of the cancel reasons. Could be partially filled.
UNTRIGGERED Triggerable order that has not yet been triggered.

Cancel Reasons

Reason Description
UNDERCOLLATERALIZED Order would have led to an undercollateralized state for the user.
EXPIRED Order expired.
USER_CANCELED Order was canceled by the user.
SELF_TRADE Order would have resulted in a self trade for the user.
FAILED An internal issue caused the order to be canceled.
COULD_NOT_FILL A FOK or IOC order could not be fully filled.
POST_ONLY_WOULD_CROSS A post-only order would cross the orderbook.

Get Active Orders

Get Active Orders

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD
from dydx3.constants import ORDER_SIDE_SELL

market_side_orders = client.private.get_active_orders(
const marketSideOrders: {
  orders: ActiveOrderResponseObject[],
} = await client.private.getActiveOrders(
    market: Market.BTC_USD,
    side: OrderSide.SELL,
  "orders": [
      "id": "id",
      "accountId": "afoo",
      "market": "BTC-USD",
      "side": "SELL",
      "price": "29000",
      "remainingSize": "0.500",

HTTP Request

GET v3/active-orders

Description: Get active (not filled or canceled) orders for a user by specified parameters.


Parameter Description
market Market of the order.
side (Optional) Either BUY or SELL. This parameter is required if id is included.
id (Optional) The unique id assigned by dYdX. Note, if id is not found, will return a 400.


Parameter Description
orders An array of activeOrders. See activeOrder below.


Parameter Description
id The unique id assigned by dYdX.
accountId The id of the account.
market Market of the fill.
side Either BUY or SELL.
price The price of the order. Must adhere to the market's tick size.
remainingSize Size of order not yet filled.

Get Order By Id

Get Order By Id

order = client.private.get_order_by_id('foo')
const orderResponse: { order: OrderResponseObject } = await client.private.getOrderById('foo');
  "order": {
    "id": "foo",
    "clientId": "foo",
    "accountId": "afoo",
    "market": "BTC-USD",
    "side": "SELL",
    "price": "29000",
    "triggerPrice": null,
    "trailingPercent": null,
    "size": "0.500",
    "remainingSize": "0.500",
    "type": "LIMIT",
    "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
    "unfillableAt": null,
    "expiresAt": "2021-02-04T23:44:59.690Z",
    "status": "OPEN",
    "timeInForce": "GTT",
    "postOnly": false,
    "cancelReason": null

HTTP Request

GET v3/orders/:id

Description: Get an order by id from the active orderbook and order history.


Parameter Description
id Unique id of the order


Parameter Description
order See order.

Get Order by ClientId

Get Order By ClientId

order = client.private.get_order_by_client_id('clientId')
const allOrders: { order: OrderResponseObject } = await client.private.getOrderByClientId('clientId');
  "order": {
    "id": "foo",
    "clientId": "foo",
    "accountId": "afoo",
    "market": "BTC-USD",
    "side": "SELL",
    "price": "29000",
    "triggerPrice": null,
    "trailingPercent": null,
    "size": "0.500",
    "remainingSize": "0.500",
    "type": "LIMIT",
    "createdAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z",
    "unfillableAt": null,
    "expiresAt": "2021-02-04T23:44:59.690Z",
    "status": "OPEN",
    "timeInForce": "GTT",
    "postOnly": false,
    "cancelReason": null

HTTP Request

GET v3/orders/client/:id

Description: Get an order by clientId from the active orderbook and order history. Only the latest 1 hour of orders can be fetched from this endpoint.


Parameter Description
id Unique clientId of the order


Parameter Description
order See order.

Get Fills

Get Fills

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD

all_fills = client.private.get_fills(
const allFills: { fills: FillResponseObject[] } = await client.private.getFills(
    market: Market.BTC_USD,
  "fills": [
      "id": "foo",
      "side": "BUY",
      "liquidity": "TAKER",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "market": "BTC-USD",
      "orderId": "id",
      "price": "29000",
      "size": "0.001",
      "fee": "100",
      "createdAt": "2021-01-05T16:33:43.163Z"

HTTP Request

GET v3/fills

Description: Get Fills for a user by specified parameters.


Parameter Description
market (Optional) Market of the fills.
orderId (Optional) Unique order id. Will only fetch a single order.
limit (Optional) The maximum number of fills that can be fetched via this request. Note, this cannot be greater than 100.
createdBeforeOrAt (Optional) Set a date by which the fills had to be created.


Parameter Description
fills Array of fills. See below for an individual example.


Parameter Description
id The unique id assigned by dYdX.
side Either BUY or SELL.
liquidity Either MAKER or TAKER.
type The type of the fill.
market Market of the fill.
orderId Id of the order which caused this fill. null if type is LIQUIDATED or LIQUIDATION`.
price The price the fill occurred at (in quote / base currency).
size Size that was filled (in base currency).
fee Fee that was charged (in quote currency).
createdAt Timestamp when the fill was created.

Get Funding Payments

Get Funding Payments

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD

funding_payments = client.private.get_funding_payments(
const fundingPayments: { fundingPayments: FundingResponseObject } = await client.private.getFundingPayments(
    market: Market.BTC_USD,
    limit: 75,
  "fundingPayments": [{
    "market": "BTC-USD",
    "payment": "10000",
    "rate": "0.0000125000",
    "positionSize": "500",
    "price": "90",
    "effectiveAt": "2021-01-04T23:44:59.690Z"

HTTP Request

GET v3/funding

Description: Get Funding Payments made to an account.


Parameter Description
market (Optional) Market of the funding payments.
limit (Optional) The maximum number of funding payments that can be fetched via this request. Note, this cannot be greater than 100.
effectiveBeforeOrAt (Optional) Set a date by which the funding payments had to be created.


Parameter Description
market Market corresponding to the funding payment.
payment Change in the quoteBalance of the account. Positive if the user received funding and negative if the user paid funding.
rate Funding rate at the time of this payment (as a 1-hour rate).
positionSize User's position size at the time of this funding payment. positive if long, negative if short.
price Oracle price used to calculate this funding payment.
effectiveAt Time of this funding payment.

Get Historical PNL Ticks

Get Historical PNL Ticks

historical_pnl = client.private.get_historical_pnl(
const historicalPnlTicks: {
  historicalPnl: HistoricalPnlResponseObject[],
} = await client.private.getHistoricalPnl(
    createdBeforeOrAt: '2021-04-09T22:02:46+0000',
  "historicalPnl": [{
    "equity": "0.0000",
    "totalPnl": "0.0000",
    "createdAt": "2021-04-09T21:08:34.984Z",
    "netTransfers": "0.0000",
    "accountId": "49979004..."

HTTP Request

GET v3/historical-pnl

Description: Get Historical PNL for an account during an interval.


Parameter Description
createdBeforeOrAt (Optional) Used for setting a ending bounds on the ticks.
createdOnOrAfter (Optional) Used for setting a starting bounds on the ticks.


Parameter Description
historicalPnl Array of HistoricalAggregatedPnl. See "HistoricalAggregatedPnl" below.


Parameter Description
equity The total account equity.
totalPnl The total PNL for the account since inception.
createdAt When the tick was recorded.
netTransfers The value into or out of the account of transfers since the last interval.
accountId Account the tick is for.

Get Trading Rewards

Get Trading Rewards

rewards = client.private.get_trading_rewards(
const rewards: {
  tradingRewards: TradingRewardsResponseObject,
} = await client.private.getTradingRewards(
    epoch: 5,
  "epoch": 5,
  "epochStart": "2021-12-21T15:00:00.000Z",
  "epochEnd": "2022-01-18T15:00:00.000Z",
  "fees": {
    "feesPaid": "0.1",
    "totalFeesPaid": "1"
  "openInterest": {
    "averageOpenInterest": "10",
    "totalAverageOpenInterest": "100"
  "stakedDYDX": {
    "primaryStakedDYDX": "0",
    "averageStakedDYDX": "200",
    "averageStakedDYDXWithFloor": "200",
    "totalAverageStakedDYDX": "2000"
  "weight": {
    "weight": "0.1",
    "totalWeight": "1"
  "totalRewards": "383561.6",
  "estimatedRewards": "3835616"

HTTP Request

GET v3/rewards/weight

Description: Get the rewards weight of a given epoch.


Parameter Description
epoch (Optional) Epoch number to request rewards data for. Defaults to current epoch.
secondaryAddress (Optional) Get rewards for a linked, SECONDARY address.


Parameter Description
epoch ID of the epoch.
epochStart Time when the epoch starts.
epochEnd Time when the epoch ends.
fees See "Fees" below.
openInterest See "OpenInterest" below.
weight See "Weight" below.
stakedDYDX See "StakedDYDX" below.
totalRewards The total number of tokens that will be given out at the end of the epoch.
estimatedRewards The user's estimated number of dYdX tokens as rewards.


Parameter Description
weight The user's current weight score for this epoch.
totalWeight The sum of the weight score of all users for this epoch.


Parameter Description
feesPaid The USD amount of fees paid by the user in the epoch.
totalFeesPaid The total USD amount of fees paid by all users in the epoch.


Parameter Description
averageOpenInterest The average open interest for the user.
totalAverageOpenInterest The total average open interest for all users.


Parameter Description
primaryStakedDYDX The average staked DYDX of the primary user if own user linkType = SECONDARY or secondaryAddress is included. '0' for epochs 0-4 (old rewards formula). null otherwise.
averageStakedDYDX The average staked DYDX for the user. This value is '0' for epochs 0-4 (old rewards formula does not take into account stakedDYDX).
averageStakedDYDXWithFloor The average staked DYDX for the user, taking into account both primaryStakedDYDX and the rewards formula's floor stakedDYDX value. This value is '0' for epochs 0-4 (old rewards formula does not take into account stakedDYDX).
totalAverageStakedDYDX The total average staked DYDX for all users. This value is '0' for epochs 0-4 (old rewards formula does not take into account stakedDYDX).

Get Liquidity Provider Rewards

Get Liquidity Provider Rewards

rewards = client.private.get_liquidity_provider_rewards_v2(
const rewards: {
  liquidityRewards: LiquidityProviderRewardsV2ResponseObject,
} = await client.private.getLiquidityProviderRewardsV2(
    epoch: 13,
  "epoch": 13,
  "epochStart": "2021-8-02T15:00:00.000Z",
  "epochEnd": "2022-08-30T15:00:00.000Z",
  "markets": {
    "BTC-USD": {
      "market": "BTC-USD",
      "depthSpreadScore": "0.5",
      "uptime": "500",
      "linkedUptime": "7500",
      "maxUptime": "10000",
      "score": "0.00098821176880261854125",
      "totalScore": "1",
      "makerVolume": "10000",
      "totalMakerVolume": "100000",
      "totalRewards": "230137",
      "estimatedRewards": "227.42409183692822322765125",
      "secondaryAllocation": "0"
  "stakedDYDX": {
    "averageStakedDYDX": "1000",
    "totalAverageStakedDYDX": "10000"
  "linkedAddressRewards": {
    "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4": {
      "markets": {
        "BTC-USD": {
          "market": "BTC-USD",
          "depthSpreadScore": "0.5",
          "uptime": "500",
          "linkedUptime": "7500",
          "maxUptime": "10000",
          "score": "0.00098821176880261854125",
          "totalScore": "1",
          "makerVolume": "10000",
          "totalMakerVolume": "100000",
          "totalRewards": "230137",
          "estimatedRewards": "227.42409183692822322765125",
          "secondaryAllocation": "0.5"
      "averageStakedDYDX": "750"

HTTP Request

GET v3/rewards/liquidity-provider

Description: Get the liquidity provider rewards of a given epoch (epochs 13+).


Parameter Description
epoch (Optional) Epoch number to request rewards data for. Defaults to current epoch.


Parameter Description
epoch ID of the epoch.
epochStart Time when the epoch starts.
epochEnd Time when the epoch ends.
markets Map of market name to liquidity rewards for that market. See "LiquidityRewards" below.
stakedDYDX See "StakedDYDX" below.
linkedAddressRewards For a PRIMARY address, map of linked address to rewards data for that address. Includes the PRIMARY address. See "PerAddressRewards" below.


Parameter Description
market The market for which the rewards are for.
depthSpreadScore The user's depth and spread score for this market.
uptime The ratio of uptime (non-zero scores) that the user has for this market.
linkedUptime For a SECONDARY address, the max uptime of linked addresses, which will be used in rewards calculation. 0 otherwise.
maxUptime The number of samples taken for this market.
score The user's total score for this market.
totalScore The total score of all liquidity providers who are eligible for liquidity rewards.
makerVolume The maker volume for the user.
totalMakerVolume The total maker volume for all liquidity providers.
estimatedRewards The user's estimated number of dYdX tokens as rewards for this market. For a SECONDARY address, this field is the amount of rewards contributed to the PRIMARY address (SECONDARY addresses do not receive rewards).
totalRewards The total number of tokens that will be given out at the end of the epoch for this market.
secondaryAllocation For a SECONDARY address, the proportion (0 to 1) of the PRIMARY address rewards that are based on this address contribution. 0 otherwise.


Parameter Description
averageStakedDYDX The average staked DYDX for the user. For a PRIMARY address, this is the aggregate averageStakedDYDX across all linked addresses.
totalAverageStakedDYDX The total average staked DYDX for all eligible users.


Parameter Description
markets Map of market name to liquidity rewards for that market for the respective address. See "LiquidityRewards" above.
averageStakedDYDX The average staked DYDX for the respective address.

Get Liquidity Rewards (Deprecated)

Get Liquidity Rewards

rewards = client.private.get_liquidity_provider_rewards(
const rewards: {
  liquidityRewards: LiquidityProviderRewardsResponseObject,
} = await client.private.getLiquidityProviderRewards(
    epoch: 5,
  "epoch": 5,
  "epochStart": "2021-12-21T15:00:00.000Z",
  "epochEnd": "2022-01-18T15:00:00.000Z",
  "markets": {
    "BTC-USD": {
      "market": "BTC-USD",
      "uptime": "0.5",
      "score": "0.00098821176880261854125",
      "totalScore": "1",
      "totalRewards": "230137",
      "estimatedRewards": "227.42409183692822322765125",
  "stakedDYDX": {
    "primaryStakedDYDX": "0",
    "averageStakedDYDX": "1000",
    "totalAverageStakedDYDX": "10000"

HTTP Request

GET v3/rewards/liquidity

Description: Get the liquidity rewards of a given epoch.


Parameter Description
epoch (Optional) Epoch number to request rewards data for. Defaults to current epoch.
secondaryAddress (Optional) Get rewards for a linked, SECONDARY address.


Parameter Description
epoch ID of the epoch.
epochStart Time when the epoch starts.
epochEnd Time when the epoch ends.
markets Map of market name to rewards for that market. See "LiquidityRewards" below.
stakedDYDX See "StakedDYDX" below.


Parameter Description
market The market for which the rewards are for.
depthSpreadScore The user's depth and spread score for this market.
uptime The ratio of uptime (non-zero scores) that the user has for this market.
maxUptime The number of samples taken for this market.
score The user's total score for this market.
totalScore The total score of all liquidity providers who are eligible for liquidity rewards.
makerVolume The maker volume for the user. 0 for epochs 0-9 (old rewards formulas).
totalMakerVolume The total maker volume for all liquidity providers. 0 for epochs 0-4 (old rewards formula).
totalRewards The total number of tokens that will be given out at the end of the epoch for this market.
estimatedRewards The user's estimated number of dYdX tokens as rewards for this market.


Parameter Description
primaryStakedDYDX The average staked DYDX of the primary user if own user linkType = SECONDARY or if secondaryAddress is included. '0' for epochs 0-4 (old rewards formula). null otherwise.
averageStakedDYDX The average staked DYDX for the user. This value is '0' for epochs 0-4 (old rewards formula does not take into account stakedDYDX).
totalAverageStakedDYDX The total average staked DYDX for all eligible users. This value is '0' for epochs 0-4 (old rewards formula does not take into account stakedDYDX).

Get Retroactive Mining Rewards

Get Retroactive Mining Rewards

rewards = client.private.get_retroactive_mining_rewards()
const rewards: {
  retroactiveMiningRewards: RetroactiveMiningRewardsResponseObject,
} = await client.private.getRetroactiveMiningRewards();
  "epoch": 0,
  "epochStart": "2021-08-03T15:00:00.000Z",
  "epochEnd": "2021-08-31T15:00:00.000Z",
  "retroactiveMining": {
    "allocation": "1000",
    "targetVolume": "500",
    "volume": "100"
  "estimatedRewards": "500"

HTTP Request

GET v3/rewards/retroactive-mining

Description: Get the retroactive mining rewards of a given epoch.


Parameter Description
epoch Will always be '0'.
epochStart Time when the epoch starts.
epochEnd Time when the epoch ends.
retroactiveMining See "RetroactiveMiningRewards" below.
estimatedRewards The user's estimated number of dYdX tokens as rewards.


Parameter Description
allocation The number of allocated dYdX tokens for the user.
targetVolume The user's required trade volume (in USD) to be able to claim the allocation.
volume The user's current total trade volume (in USD) in the epoch.

Send Verification Email

Send a verification email

await client.private.sendVerificationEmail();

HTTP Request

PUT v3/emails/send-verification-email

Description: Send an email to the email address associated with the user, requesting that they click on a link to verify their email address.


On success, returns a 204 response with an empty body. Responds with a 400 error if no email address is on file for the user, or their email address has already been verified.

Setting Notification Status

In addition to verifying an email, notifications must be set in user.userData to start receiving emails per category.

Example userData:

user.userData = {
  notifications: {
    deposit: {
      email: true
    trades: {
      email: true

Request Testnet Tokens

Request Testnet Tokens

transfer = client.private.request_testnet_tokens()
const transfer: { transfer: TransferResponseObject } = await client.private.requestTestnetTokens();
    "transfer": {
        "id": "e5ed0207-27fe-5cfa-a74e-b3908a113dca",
        "type": "TRANSFER_OUT",
        "debitAsset": "USDC",
        "creditAsset": "USDC",
        "debitAmount": "10000",
        "creditAmount": "0",
        "transactionHash": null,
        "status": "PENDING",
        "createdAt": "2021-11-09T01:29:59.960Z",
        "confirmedAt": null,
        "clientId": "521ba97550e9299",
        "fromAddress": null,
        "toAddress": null

HTTP Request

POST v3/testnet/tokens

Description: Requests tokens on dYdX's staging server.

A fixed number of tokens will be transferred to the account. Please take note of rate limits.


Parameter Description
transfer See Transfers.

Get Private Profile

Get private profile data for the user. This is a superset of the /v3/profile/:publicId endpoint.

profile_private = client.private.get_profile()
const profilePrivate: ProfilePrivateResponseObject = await client.private.getProfilePrivate();
    "username": "foo",
    "ethereumAddress": "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "DYDXHoldings": "250",
    "stakedDYDXHoldings": "250",
    "hedgiesHeld": [111],
    "twitterHandle": "bar",
    "affiliateLinks": [{
        "link": "mrAffiliate",
        "discountRate": "0.95",
    "affiliateApplicationStatus": "APPROVED",
    "publicId": "ABCDEFGH",
    "tradingLeagues": {
        "currentLeague": "SILVER",
        "currentLeagueRanking": 12,
    "tradingPnls": {
        "absolutePnl30D": "324",
        "percentPnl30D": "25",
        "volume30D": "4000",
    "tradingRewards": {
        "curEpoch": "8",
        "curEpochEstimatedRewards": 280,
        "prevEpochEstimatedRewards": 125,
    "affiliateStatistics": {
        "currentEpoch": {
            "usersReferred": "12",
            "revenue": "12.50",
            "revenueShareRate": "0.24",
        "previousEpochs": {
            "usersReferred": "20",
            "revenue": "1427.30",
        "lastPaidEpoch": "9",

HTTP Request

GET v3/profile/private

Description: Get private profile data for the user.


Parameter Description
username Publically-displayed username.
publicId User's public id used in the public profile endpoint
ethereumAddress User's associated ethereum address.
DYDXHoldings The user's DYDX token holdings. null if not sharing ethereum address.
stakedDYDXHoldings The user's stkDYDX token holdings. null if not sharing ethereum address.
hedgiesHeld Indices of all Hedgies held.
twitterHandle The username that appears at the end of a unique Twitter url.
affiliateLinks The affiliate links that the user can share and earn revenue on. [] if the user is not an affiliate. See "AffiliateLinkData" below.
affiliateApplicationStatus The status of the affiliate application, can be APPROVED, PENDING, REJECTED, and REJECTED_AND_BANNED. null if no affiliate application had been submitted.
tradingLeagues See "TradingLeagues" below.
tradingPnls See "TradingPnls" below.
tradingRewards See "TradingRewards" below.
affiliateStatistics See "AffiliateStatistics" below.


Parameter Description
link The affiliate link. Ex: mrAffiliate in affiliate link
discountRate The discount rate used to calculate the referred user's fee. Ex: 0.95 would mean that users get a 5% discount to their fees.


Parameter Description
currentLeague null, "BRONZE", "SILVER", "GOLD", "PLATINUM", or "DIAMOND".
currentLeagueRanking null, or positive integer ranking.


Parameter Description
absolutePnl30D null, or user's 30 day absolute pnl (based on leaderboard formula).
percentPnl30D null, or user's 30 day percent pnl (based on leaderboard formula).
volume30D The sum of a user's 30 day maker and taker trading volume.


Parameter Description
curEpoch Current epoch number.
curEpochEstimatedRewards The user's estimated number of dYdX tokens as rewards for the current epoch.
prevEpochEstimatedRewards The user's estimated number of dYdX tokens as rewards for the previous epoch.


Parameter Description
currentEpoch See "CurrentEpochAffiliateStatistics" below.
previousEpochs See "PreviousEpochAffiliateStatistics" below.
lastEpochPaid The last epoch that has been paid out to affiliates.


Parameter Description
usersReferred Total number of users referred by this affiliate in this epoch.
revenue Expected current affiliate payout in this epoch.
revenueShareRate Current revenue share rate for the user depending on their $stkDYDX and if manual override is enabled for the user. Will be a number between 0 and 1 inclusive, 0.1 would indicate that the affiliate will receive 10% of all net revenue generated by their referred users.


Parameter Description
usersReferred Total number of users referred by this affiliate in all previous epochs.
revenue Total amount of revenue this user has earned in all previous epochs.


Get Markets

Get Markets

markets = client.public.get_markets()
const markets: { markets: MarketsResponseObject } = await client.public.getMarkets();
  "markets": {
    "LINK-USD": {
    "market": "LINK-USD",
    "status": "ONLINE",
    "baseAsset": "LINK",
    "quoteAsset": "USD",
    "stepSize": "0.1",
    "tickSize": "0.01",
    "indexPrice": "12",
    "oraclePrice": "101",
    "priceChange24H": "0",
    "nextFundingRate": "0.0000125000",
    "nextFundingAt": "2021-03-01T18:00:00.000Z",
    "minOrderSize": "1",
    "type": "PERPETUAL",
    "initialMarginFraction": "0.10",
    "maintenanceMarginFraction": "0.05",
    "baselinePositionSize": "1000",
    "incrementalPositionSize": "1000",
    "incrementalInitialMarginFraction": "0.2",
    "volume24H": "0",
    "trades24H": "0",
    "openInterest": "0",
    "maxPositionSize": "10000",
    "assetResolution": "10000000",
    "syntheticAssetId": "0x4c494e4b2d37000000000000000000",

HTTP Request

GET v3/markets

Description: Get one or all markets as well as metadata about each retrieved market.


Parameter Description
market (Optional): Specific market to be fetched.



Parameter Description
markets Map of market objects. See below for individual market.
Parameter Description
market Symbol of the market.
status Status of the market. Can be one of ONLINE, OFFLINE, POST_ONLY or CANCEL_ONLY.
baseAsset Symbol of the base asset. e.g. "BTC".
quoteAsset Symbol of the quote asset. e.g. "BTC".
stepSize The minimum step size (in base currency) of trade sizes for the market.
tickSize The Tick size of the market.
indexPrice The current index price of the market.
oraclePrice The current oracle price of the market.
priceChange24H The absolute price change of the index price over the past 24 hours.
nextFundingRate The predicted next funding rate (as a 1-hour rate). Can be up to 5 seconds delayed.
nextFundingAt The timestamp of the next funding update.
minOrderSize Minimum order size for the market.
type Type of the market. This will always be PERPETUAL for now.
initialMarginFraction The margin fraction needed to open a position.
maintenanceMarginFraction The margin fraction required to prevent liquidation.
baselinePositionSize The max position size (in base token) before increasing the initial-margin-fraction.
incrementalPositionSize The step size (in base token) for increasing the initialMarginFraction by (incrementalInitialMarginFraction per step).
incrementalInitialMarginFraction The increase of initialMarginFraction for each incrementalPositionSize above the baselinePositionSize the position is.
maxPositionSize The max position size for this market in base token.
volume24H The USD volume of the market in the previous 24 hours.
trades24H The number of trades in the market in the previous 24 hours.
openInterest The open interest in base token.
assetResolution The asset resolution is the number of quantums (Starkware units) that fit within one "human-readable" unit of the asset.
syntheticAssetId The id of the synthetic asset traded in the market. Only used for cryptographically signing orders.

Get Orderbook

Get Orderbook

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD

orderbook = client.public.get_orderbook(
const orderbook: OrderbookResponseObject = await client.public.getOrderbook(
  "bids": [
      "price": "29000",
      "size": "1"
  "asks": [
      "price": "29500",
      "size": "0.499"

HTTP Request

GET v3/orderbook/:market

Description: Returns the active orderbook for a market. All bids and asks that are fillable are returned.


Parameter Description
market Market of the Orderbook.


Parameter Description
bids See Orderbook Order below. Sorted by price in descending order.
asks See Orderbook Order below. Sorted by price in ascending order.

Orderbook Order

Parameter Description
price The price of the order (in quote / base currency).
size The size of the order (in base currency).

Get Trades

Get Trades

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD

all_trades = client.public.get_trades(
const trades: { trades: Trade[] } = await client.public.getTrades({
  market: Market.BTC_USD,
  startingBeforeOrAt: "2021-01-05T17:33:43.163Z",
  limit: 1,
  "trades": [
      "side": "BUY",
      "size": "0.001",
      "price": "29000",
      "createdAt": "2021-01-05T16:33:43.163Z",
      "liquidation": false

HTTP Request

GET v3/trades/:market

Description: Get Trades by specified parameters. Passing in all query parameters to the HTTP endpoint would look like: GET v3/trades/BTC-USD?startingBeforeOrAt=2021-09-05T17:33:43.163Z&limit=1.


Parameter Description
market Market of the trades.
startingBeforeOrAt (Optional): Set a date by which the trades had to be created.
limit (Optional): The number of candles to fetch (Max 100).


Parameter Description
trades An array of trades. See trade below


Parameter Description
side Either BUY or SELL.
size The size of the trade.
price The price of the trade.
createdAt The time of the trade.
liquidation true if the trade was the result of a liquidation. false otherwise.

Get Fast Withdrawal Liquidity

Get Fast Withdrawal Liquidity

fast_withdrawals_info = client.public.get_fast_withdrawal()
const availableFundsMap: {
  liquidityProviders: {
    [positionId: string]: {
      availableFunds: string,
      starkKey: string,
      quote: {
        creditAsset: string,
        creditAmount: string,
        debitAmount: string,
      } | null,
} = await client.public.getFastWithdrawalAvailableFunds();
  "liquidityProviders": {
    "1812": {
      "availableFunds": "1000",
      "starkKey": "180913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
      "quote": null,

HTTP Request

GET v3/fast-withdrawals

Description: Returns a map of all LP provider accounts that have available funds for fast withdrawals. Given a debitAmount and asset the user wants sent to L1, this endpoint also returns amount of the desired asset the user will be credited on L1. Given a creditAmount and asset the user wants sent to L1, this endpoint also returns the amount the user will be debited on L2.


Parameter Description
creditAsset (Optional): The asset that would be sent to the user. Required if creditAmount or debitAmount are set.
creditAmount (Optional): Set this value if the user wants a quote based on the creditAmount.
debitAmount (Optional): Set this value if the user wants a quote based on the debitAmount.


Parameter Description
liquidityProviders Map of LP position IDs to Liquidity Provider.

Liquidity Provider

Field Description
availableFunds The funds available for the LP.
starkKey The public stark key for the LP.
quote The Liquidity Provider Quote given the user's request. Null if no request from the user or the request is unfillable by this LP.

Liquidity Provider Quote

Field Description
creditAsset The asset that would be sent to the user on L1.
creditAmount The amount of creditAsset that would be sent to the user (human readable).
debitAmount The amount of USD that would be deducted from the users L2 account (human readable).

Get Market Stats

Get Market Stats

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD

market_statistics = client.public.get_stats(
const marketStatistics = await client.public.getStats({
  market: Market.BTC_USD,
  days: MarketStatisticDay.SEVEN,
  "markets": {
    "ETH-USD": {
      "market": "ETH-USD",
      "open": "1100",
      "close": "1100",
      "high": "1100",
      "low": "1095",
      "baseVolume": "10000",
      "quoteVolume": "100000",
      "type": "PERPETUAL",
      "fees": "1000"

HTTP Request

GET v3/stats/:market

Description: Get an individual market's statistics over a set period of time or all available periods of time.


Parameter Description
market Market whose statistics are being fetched.
days (Optional): Specified day range for the statistics to have been compiled over. Can be one of 1, 7, 30. Defaults to 1.


Parameter Description
markets Map of market to MarketStats. See example below.


Parameter Description
market The symbol of the market, e.g. ETH-USD.
open The open price of the market.
high The high price of the market.
low The low price of the market.
close The close price of the market.
baseVolume The total amount of base asset traded.
quoteVolume The total amount of quote asset traded.
type Type of the market. This will always be PERPETUAL for now.

Get Historical Funding

Get Historical Funding

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD

historical_funding = client.public.get_historical_funding(
const historicalFunding = await client.public.getHistoricalFunding({
  market: Market.BTC_USD,
  "historicalFunding": [
      "market": "BTC-USD",
      "rate": "0.0000125000",
      "price": "31297.5000008009374142",
      "effectiveAt": "2021-01-05T09:10:49.000Z"

HTTP Request

GET v3/historical-funding/:market

Description: Get the historical funding rates for a market.


Parameter Description
market Market whose historical funding rates are being fetched.
effectiveBeforeOrAt (Optional): Set a date by which the historical funding rates had to be created.


Parameter Description
historicalFunding Array of HistoricalFunding. See below for individual example.

Historical Funding

Parameter Description
market Market for which to query historical funding.
rate The funding rate (as a 1-hour rate).
price Oracle price used to calculate the funding rate.
effectiveAt Time at which funding payments were exchanged at this rate.

Get Candles for Market

Get Candles for Market

from dydx3.constants import MARKET_BTC_USD

candles = client.public.get_candles(
const candles: {
  candles: CandleResponseObject,
} = await client.public.getCandles({
  market: Market.BTC_USD,
  resolution: CandleResolution.1DAY,
  "candles": [
      "startedAt": "2021-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
      "market": "BTC-USD",
      "resolution": "1DAY",
      "low": "40000",
      "high": "45000",
      "open": "45000",
      "close": "40000",
      "baseTokenVolume": "1.002",
      "trades": "3",
      "usdVolume": "45085",
      "startingOpenInterest": "28"

HTTP Request

GET v3/candles/:market

Description: Get the candle statistics for a market.


Parameter Description
market Market whose candles are being fetched.
resolution (Optional): Specific candle resolution being fetched. Can be one of 1DAY, 4HOURS, 1HOUR, 30MINS, 15MINS, 5MINS, 1MIN.
fromISO (Optional): Starting point for the candles.
toISO (Optional): Ending point for the candles.
limit (Optional): The number of candles to fetch (Max 100).


Parameter Description
startedAt When the candle started, time of first trade in candle.
updatedAt When the candle was last updated
market Market the candle is for.
resolution Time-period of candle (currently 1HOUR or 1DAY).
low Low trade price of the candle.
high High trade price of the candle.
open Open trade price of the candle.
close Close trade price of the candle.
baseTokenVolume Volume of trade in baseToken currency for the candle.
trades Count of trades during the candle.
usdVolume Volume of trade in USD for the candle.
startingOpenInterest The open interest in baseToken at the start of the candle.

Get Global Configuration Variables

config = client.public.get_config()
const config: ConfigResponseObject = await client.public.getConfig();
    "collateralAssetId": "0x02c04d8b650f44092278a7cb1e1028c82025dff622db96c934b611b84cc8de5a",
    "collateralTokenAddress": "0x8707a5bf4c2842d46b31a405ba41b858c0f876c4",
    "defaultMakerFee": "0.0005",
    "defaultTakerFee": "0.001",
    "exchangeAddress": "0x014F738EAd8Ec6C50BCD456a971F8B84Cd693BBe",
    "maxExpectedBatchLengthMinutes": "240",
    "maxFastWithdrawalAmount": "200000",
    "cancelOrderRateLimiting": {
      "maxPointsMulti": 3,
      "maxPointsSingle": 8500,
      "windowSecMulti": 10,
      "windowSecSingle": 10
    "placeOrderRateLimiting": {
      "maxPoints": 1750,
      "windowSec": 10,
      "targetNotional": 40000,
      "minLimitConsumption": 4,
      "minMarketConsumption": 20,
      "minTriggerableConsumption": 100,
      "maxOrderConsumption": 100

HTTP Request

GET v3/config

Description: Get any global configuration variables for the exchange as a whole.


Parameter Description
collateralAssetId The assetId of the collateral asset in the Starkware system.
collateralTokenAddress The address of the token used as collateral.
defaultMakerFee The default maker fee for new accounts.
defaultTakerFee The default taker fee for new accounts.
exchangeAddress The address of the exchange contract.
maxExpectedBatchLengthMinutes The maximum expected time between batches L2 (in minutes).
maxFastWithdrawalAmount The maximum amount (in USDC) allowed for fast withdrawals.
cancelOrderRateLimiting See cancelOrderRateLimiting below.
placeOrderRateLimiting See placeOrderRateLimiting below.


Parameter Description
maxPointsMulti The number of rate limiting points given per window for canceling multiple orders.
maxPointsSingle The number of rate limiting points given per window for canceling single orders.
windowSecMulti The length of a rate limiting window for canceling multiple orders, in seconds.
windowSecSingle The length of a rate limiting window for canceling single orders, in seconds.


Parameter Description
maxPoints The number of rate limiting points given per window.
windowSec The length of a rate limiting window, in seconds.
targetNotional The (size * price) target used for determining points consumption.
minLimitConsumption The minimum number of points used when placing a limit order.
minMarketConsumption The minimum number of points used when placing a market order.
minTriggerableConsumption The minimum number of points used when placing a triggerable (e.g. stop-loss) order.
maxOrderConsumption The maximum number of points used when placing an order.

Check If User Exists

Check If User Exists

user_exists = client.public.check_if_user_exists(
const userExists: { exists: boolean } = await client.public.doesUserExistWithAddress(
  "exists": true

HTTP Request

GET v3/users/exists

Description: Check if a user exists for a given Ethereum address.


Parameter Description
ethereumAddress Ethereum address that the user would be associated with.


Parameter Description
exists If a user exists for the given Ethereum address.

Check If Username Exists

Check If Username Exists

username_exists = client.public.check_if_username_exists(
const usernameExists: { exists: boolean } = await client.public.doesUserExistWithUsername(
  "exists": true

HTTP Request

GET v3/usernames

Description: Check if a username has been taken by a user.


Parameter Description
username Unique username being checked.


Parameter Description
exists If a username has been taken by any user.

Get API Server Time

Get API Server Time

time_object = client.public.get_time()
const time: { time: { iso: string, epoch: number } } = await client.public.getTime();
  "iso": "2021-02-02T18:35:45Z",
  "epoch": "1611965998.515",

HTTP Request

GET v3/time

Description: Get the current time of the API server.


Parameter Description
iso ISO time of the server in UTC.
epoch Epoch time in seconds with milliseconds.

Get Public Leaderboard PNLs

Get Public Leaderboard PNLs

const leaderboardPnls: { pnls: LeaderboardPnlResponseObject } = await client.public.getLeaderboardPnls(
  "prizePool": 50000,
  "numHedgiesWinners": 1,
  "numPrizeWinners": 50,
  "ratioPromoted": 0.25,
  "ratioDemoted": 0.5,
  "minimumEquity": 500,
  "minimumDYDXTokens": 0,
  "seasonNumber": 16,
  "topPnls": [
      "username": "user",
      "ethereumAddress": "0x3408105669f73e814be44cbf598679a50eb2f7ed",
      "publicId": "ABCDEFG",
      "absolutePnl": "10206.971314",
      "percentPnl": "0.409100",
      "absoluteRank": 20,
      "percentRank": 1,
      "seasonExpectedOutcome": "SAME_LEAGUE",
      "hedgieWon": null,
      "prizeWon": null
    "numParticipants": 1,
    "updatedAt": "2022-02-02T15:31:10.813Z",
    "startedAt": "2022-02-01T15:30:00.000Z",
    "endsAt": "2022-02-02T15:30:00.000Z"

HTTP Request

GET v3/leaderboard-pnl

Description: Get the top PNLs for a specified period and how they rank against each other.


Parameter Description
startingBeforeOrAt Latest the leaderboard starts at.
sortBy Which PNL to sort ranks by. "ABSOLUTE" or "PERCENT".
limit (Optional): The number of leaderboard PNLs to fetch (Max 100).


Parameter Description
topPnls Array of PNLForPeriod (see below).
numParticipants Number of participants in this leaderboard. Includes ranked and unranked participants.
startedAt Starting time for this pnl. Note: will only be set if being used for a competition or leagues. Otherwise, this value will always be null.
endsAt Ending time for this pnl. Note: will only be set if being used for a competition or leagues. Otherwise, this value will always be null. (Can be a future time.)
updatedAt The time this pnl was updated.
seasonNumber Trading leagues season number. Starts at 1. null if not leagues.
prizePool Prize pool size for period. null if not "COMPETITION" or leagues.
numHedgiesWinners Number of hedgies winners for league. null if not a leagues period.
numPrizeWinners Number of prize winners for league. null if not a leagues period.
ratioPromoted Ratio of users promoted for league. null if not a leagues period.
ratioDemoted Ratio of users demoted for league. null if not a leagues period.
minimumEquity Minimum account equity required to join league. null if not a leagues period.
minimumDYDXTokens Minimum user DYDX + stkDYDX Token balance required to join league. null if not a leagues period.
numHedgiesWinners Number of hedgies prizes for period. null if not leagues.


Parameter Description
username Publically-displayed username. null if not sharing.
ethereumAddress User's associated ethereum address. null if not sharing.
publicId User's public id used in the public profile endpoint.
absolutePnl The PNL (in USD) for the specified period. Sorted DESC for "ABSOLUTE" sortBy.
percentPnl The percent PNL for the specified period. Sorted DESC for "PERCENT" sortBy.
absoluteRank User's absolute PNL rank.
percentRank User's percent PNL rank.
seasonExpectedOutcome User's expected outcome of latest season. "PROMOTION", "DEMOTION", or "SAME_LEAGUE". null if not leagues.

Get Public Retroactive Mining Rewards

Get Public Retroactive Mining Rewards

rewards = client.public.get_public_retroactive_mining_rewards(
const rewards: PublicRetroactiveMiningRewardsResponseObject = await client.public.getPublicRetroactiveMiningRewards(
  "allocation": "0",
  "targetVolume": "0"

HTTP Request

GET v3/rewards/public-retroactive-mining

Description: Get the retroactive mining rewards for an ethereum address.


Parameter Description
ethereumAddress An Ethereum address.


Parameter Description
allocation The number of allocated dYdX tokens for the address.
targetVolume The addresses' required trade volume (in USD) to be able to claim the allocation.

Verify an Email Address

Verify an Email Address

await client.public.verifyEmail('token');

HTTP Request

PUT v3/emails/verify-email

Description: Verify an email address by providing the verification token sent to the email address.


Parameter Description
token Confirmation token that was sent to a user's email.


On success, returns a 204 response with an empty body. After receiving a 204, the user associated with the email the token was sent to will begin getting notification emails for all types they have specified in their userData. Responds with a 400 error if the token is invalid.

Get Currently Revealed Hedgies

Get Currently Revealed Hedgies

const currentlyRevealedHedgies: {
    daily?: HedgiePeriodResponseObject,
    weekly?: HedgiePeriodResponseObject,
} = await client.public.getCurrentlyRevealedHedgies();
  "daily": {
    "blockNumber": 14135506,
    "competitionPeriod": 1,
    "tokenIds": [4100]
  "weekly": {
    "blockNumber": 14135506,
    "competitionperiod": 0,
    "tokenIds": [2790, 3000, 4109]

HTTP Request

GET v3/hedgies/current

Description: Get the currently revealed Hedgies for competition distribution.


Parameter Description
daily NftPeriodInformation for daily Hedgie or undefined.
weekly NftPeriodInformation for weekly Hedgies or undefined.


Parameter Description
blockNumber The number of the block whose hash was used to randomly select the Hedgie tokenId from the remaining unrevealed Hedgies (or currently revealed Hedgies in the case of distributing weekly Hedgies).
competitionPeriod The zero-indexed period of the competition. Competition 0 was the very first day a Hedgie was revealed for competition winners.
tokenIds An array of the numeric tokenIds of the Hedgies.

Get Historically Revealed Hedgies

Get Historically Revealed Hedgies

const historicallyRevealedHedgies: {
  historicalTokenIds: HedgiePeriodResponseObject[],
} = await client.public.getHistoricallyRevealedHedgies({
    nftRevealType: WEEK,
    start: 1,
  "historicalTokenIds": [{
    "blockNumber": 14135506,
    "competitionperiod": 0,
    "tokenIds": [2790, 3000, 4109]

HTTP Request

GET v3/hedgies/history

Description: Get the historically revealed Hedgies from competition distributions.


Parameter Description
nftRevealType The competition type the Hedgies are being revealed for (Day or Week).
start (Optional): Oldest competition period to be looking from (inclusive).
end (Optional): Newest competition period to be looking up to (inclusive).


Parameter Description
historicalTokenIds NftPeriodInformation array.

Get Insurance Fund Balance

Get Insurance Fund Balance

balance = client.public.get_insurance_fund_balance()
const balance: { balance: number } = await client.public.getInsuranceFundBalance();

HTTP Request

GET v3/insurance-fund/balance

Description: Get the balance of the dYdX insurance fund.


Parameter Description
balance Balance of the dYdX insurance fund in USD.

Get Public Profile

Get Public Profile data. This is a subset of the v3/profile/private endpoint.

balance = client.public.get_profile("publicId")
const publicProfile: ProfilePublicResponseObject = await client.public.getProfilePublic("publicId");
    "username": "foo",
    "ethereumAddress": "0x0913017c740260fea4b2c62828a4008ca8b0d6e4",
    "DYDXHoldings": "250",
    "stakedDYDXHoldings": "250",
    "hedgiesHeld": [111],
    "twitterHandle": "bar",
    "tradingLeagues": {
        "currentLeague": "SILVER",
        "currentLeagueRanking": 12,
    "tradingPnls": {
        "absolutePnl30D": "324",
        "percentPnl30D": "25",
        "volume30D": "4000",
    "tradingRewards": {
        "curEpoch": "8",
        "curEpochEstimatedRewards": 280,
        "prevEpochEstimatedRewards": 125,

HTTP Request

GET v3/profile/:publicId

Description: Get the public profile of a user given their public id.


Parameter Description
balance Balance of the dYdX insurance fund in USD.


Parameter Description
publicId Public id of the user


Parameter Description
username Publically-displayed username.
publicId User's public id used in the public profile endpoint
ethereumAddress User's associated ethereum address.
DYDXHoldings The user's DYDX token holdings. null if not sharing ethereum address.
stakedDYDXHoldings The user's stkDYDX token holdings. null if not sharing ethereum address.
hedgiesHeld Indices of all Hedgies held.
twitterHandle The username that appears at the end of a unique Twitter url.
tradingLeagues See "TradingLeagues" below.
tradingPnls See "TradingPnls" below.
tradingRewards See "TradingRewards" below.


Parameter Description
currentLeague null, "BRONZE", "SILVER", "GOLD", "PLATINUM", or "DIAMOND".
currentLeagueRanking null, or positive integer ranking.


Parameter Description
absolutePnl30D null, or user's 30 day absolute pnl (based on leaderboard formula).
percentPnl30D null, or user's 30 day percent pnl (based on leaderboard formula).
volume30D The sum of a user's 30 day maker and taker trading volume.


Parameter Description
curEpoch Current epoch number.
curEpochEstimatedRewards The user's estimated number of dYdX tokens as rewards for the current epoch.
prevEpochEstimatedRewards The user's estimated number of dYdX tokens as rewards for the previous epoch.

V3 Websocket API

dYdX offers a WebSocket API for streaming v3 updates.

You can connect to the v3 WebSockets at:

The server will send pings every 30s and expects a pong within 10s. The server does not expect pings, but will respond with a pong if sent one.

Accounts channel

This channel provides realtime information about orders, fills, funding updates and positions for a user. To subscribe, you will need to be authenticated.

To subscribe:

field type description
type string Set to subscribe
channel string Set to v3_accounts
accountNumber string The account number to subscribe to
apiKey string The apiKey for the user
signature string validation signature. See below
timestamp string timestamp used for the signature
passphrase string The passphrase field of the API key


The authentication in the accounts channel is identical to private endpoint authentication with one key difference. The requestPath is /ws/accounts.

Initial Response:

The initial response will contain the information about the account, open positions, recent transfers, and open orders, i.e. everything from GET /v3/accounts/:id, GET /v3/transfers, GET /v3/funding and GET /v3/orders (with accountId in the header).

Note that the freeCollateral and equity (also called total account value) for an account are only sent in the initial response. To track these over time, refer to this section.

Example initial response

  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "v3_accounts",
  "connection_id": "e2a6c717-6f77-4c1c-ac22-72ce2b7ed77d",
  "id": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
  "message_id": 1,
  "contents": {
    "orders": [
        "id": "797fc129eeb7c54163f3947f1f250594",
        "clientId": "2",
        "market": "BTC-USD",
        "accountId": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
        "side": "BUY",
        "size": "112",
        "remainingSize": "0",
        "price": "34",
        "limitFee": "0.0005",
        "type": "LIMIT",
        "status": "OPEN",
        "signature": "0x456...",
        "timeInForce": "FOK",
        "postOnly": "false",
        "expiresAt": "2021-09-22T20:22:26.399Z",
        "createdAt": "2020-09-22T20:22:26.399Z"
    "account": {
      "id": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
      "positionId": "9356",
      "userId": "fe71e7df-c633-4ba1-870e-61f36580cfc5",
      "accountNumber": "0",
      "starkKey": "041c2ae647ee91807eed6471488983ab4addc2a602d4ceeb04dfda470e33f148",
      "quoteBalance": "300",
      "pendingDeposits": "0",
      "pendingWithdrawals": "0",
      "lastTransactionId": "14",
      "equity": "1879.090000",
      "freeCollateral": "1879.090000",
      "createdAt": "2021-04-09T21:08:34.984Z",
      "openPositions": {
        "LINK-USD": {
          "id": "677dad3b-d848-5e7c-84bf-18760f3414f6",
          "accountId": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
          "market": "LINK-USD",
          "side": "LONG",
          "status": "OPEN",
          "size": "200",
          "maxSize": "300",
          "entryPrice": "36",
          "exitPrice": "38",
          "realizedPnl": "50",
          "createdAt": "2020-09-22T20:25:26.399Z",
          "openTransactionId": "2",
          "lastTransactionId": "14",
          "sumOpen": "300",
          "sumClose": "100"
  "transfers": [
      "id": "8d303634-da14-56bb-99f5-122e34b1ce34",
      "type": "FAST_WITHDRAWAL",
      "debitAsset": "USDC",
      "creditAsset": "USDC",
      "debitAmount": "500",
      "creditAmount": "500",
      "transactionHash": "0xb86e98d05098de6249d7c10616ffefa0b001976238083dc34a8e747fd7960029",
      "status": "CONFIRMED",
      "createdAt": "2021-02-05T00:37:43.009Z",
      "confirmedAt": null,
      "clientId": "9407156494718159",
      "fromAddress": "0x3ebe6781be6d436cb7999cfce8b52e40819721cb",
      "toAddress": "0x14c2a496e5b7a52d54748cba0bd9f4b24ed27fdd"
  "fundingPayments": [],

Channel Data

Subsequent responses will contain any updates to open orders, or changes to account balance, or the open positions, or transfers, in a single message.

A fill occurs, and a position is closed, and the account balance modified

  "type": "channel_data",
  "channel": "v3_accounts",
  "connection_id": "e2a6c717-6f77-4c1c-ac22-72ce2b7ed77d",
  "id": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
  "message_id": 2,
  "contents": {
    "fills": [{
        "id": "677dad3b-d848-5e7c-84bf-18760f3414f6",
        "accountId": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
        "side": "BUY",
        "liquidity": "TAKER",
        "market": "LINK-USD",
        "orderId": "797fc129eeb7c54163f3947f1f250594",
        "size": "112",
        "price": "35",
        "fee": "10",
        "transactionId": "1",
        "orderClientId": "31391968951033844",
        "createdAt": "2020-09-22T20:25:26.399Z",
    "orders": [{
      "id": "797fc129eeb7c54163f3947f1f250594",
      "clientId": "2",
      "market": "BTC-USD",
      "accountId": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
      "side": "BUY",
      "size": "112",
      "remainingSize": "0",
      "price": "34",
      "limitFee": "0.0005",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "status": "ENTIRELY_FILLED",
      "signature": "0x456...",
      "timeInForce": "FOK",
      "postOnly": "false",
      "expiresAt": "2021-09-22T20:22:26.399Z",
      "createdAt": "2020-09-22T20:22:26.399Z"
    "positions": [{
      "id": "677dad3b-d848-5e7c-84bf-18760f3414f6",
      "accountId": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
      "market": "LINK-USD",
      "side": "LONG",
      "status": "CLOSED",
      "size": "200",
      "maxSize": "300",
      "entryPrice": "36",
      "exitPrice": "38",
      "realizedPnl": "50",
      "createdAt": "2020-09-22T20:25:26.399Z",
      "openTransactionId": "2",
      "closeTransactionId": "23",
      "lastTransactionId": "23",
      "closedAt": "2020-14-22T20:25:26.399Z",
      "sumOpen": "300",
      "sumClose": "100"
    "accounts": [{
      "id": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
      "positionId": "b2759094-12af-4b59-8071-661e99148a14",
      "userId": "fe71e7df-c633-4ba1-870e-61f36580cfc5",
      "accountNumber": "0",
      "starkKey": "0x456...",
      "quoteBalance": "700",
      "pendingDeposits": "400",
      "pendingWithdrawals": "0",
      "lastTransactionId": "14"

a deposit occurs

  "type": "channel_data",
  "channel": "v3_accounts",
  "connection_id": "e2a6c717-6f77-4c1c-ac22-72ce2b7ed77d",
  "id": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
  "message_id": 2,
  "contents": {
    "fills": [],
    "orders": [],
    "positions": [],
    "accounts": [{
      "id": "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
      "positionId": "b2759094-12af-4b59-8071-661e99148a14",
      "userId": "fe71e7df-c633-4ba1-870e-61f36580cfc5",
      "accountNumber": "0",
      "starkKey": "0x456...",
      "quoteBalance": "7000",
      "pendingDeposits": "200",
      "pendingWithdrawals": "0",
      "lastTransactionId": "14"
    "transfers": [{
      "id" : "35bb84a8-d8b5-5f8e-a49e-8ad979fb7567",
      "accountId" : "e33a8007-57ca-52ab-887d-d162d1666f3b",
      "type" : "DEPOSIT",
      "debitAsset" : "USDC",
      "creditAsset" : "USDC",
      "debitAmount" : "10000",
      "creditAmount" : "10000",
      "transactionHash" : "0xec2bd16e73e4bb54c1ee25415233ded15f6e8c4edb8480ce9774a28c7846d4f0",
      "status" : "PENDING",
      "clientId" : "18",
      "updatedAt" : "2021-01-17 22:24:54.661+00",
      "createdAt" :  "2021-01-17 22:24:54.560426+00",


To subscribe:

field type description
type string Set to subscribe
channel string Set to v3_orderbook
id string The market to subscribe to e.g. BTC-USD, LINK-USD
includeOffsets (optional) boolean If specified, this will return an initial response with per-price level offsets

Initial Response:

The initial response will contain the state of the orderbook and will be the same structure as GET /v3/orderbook/:market. If includeOffsets is sent and set to true in the subscription message, there will be an offset included for each price level. (See the example included)

field description
type will be subscribed
channel the channel name, i.e. v3_orderbook
id the market subscribed to e.g. BTC-USD
contents the message contents

The contents is structured as:

field type description
offset string A number used for ordering. See offset below.
bids array See PublicOrder below. Sorted by price in descending order
asks array See PublicOrder below. Sorted by price in ascending order


field type description
price string human readable price of the order (in quote / base currency)
size string human readable size of the order (in base currency)
offset string (if includeOffsets is set to true) the offset for the specific price


The price updates are not guaranteed to be sent in order. So it is possible to receive an older price update later. For this reason, the offset is included in the message, to help order. The offset increases monotonically, and increasing values of offsets indicate more recent values.

Example messages:

Example initial response:

  "type": "subscribed",
  "connection_id": "87b25218-0170-4111-bfbf-d9f0a506fcab",
  "message_id": 1,
  "channel": "v3_orderbook",
  "id": "ETH-USD",
  "contents": {
    "bids": [
        "price": "1779",
        "size": "11.24"
        "price": "1778.5",
        "size": "18"
    "asks": [
        "price": "1782.8",
        "size": "10"
        "price": "1784",
        "size": "2.81"

Example initial response if includeOffsets is set to true:


  "type": "subscribe",
  "channel": "v3_orderbook",
  "id": "ETH-USD",
  "includeOffsets": "true"


  "type": "subscribed",
  "connection_id": "14f7c481-1e1f-4f5c-8c5c-7b114209d8ce",
  "message_id": 1,
  "channel": "v3_orderbook",
  "id": "ETH-USD",
  "contents": {
    "bids": [
        "price": "1778.8",
        "offset": "36850163",
        "size": "11"
        "price": "1776.7",
        "offset": "36849225",
        "size": "5.9"
    "asks": [
        "price": "1783",
        "offset": "36848764",
        "size": "13"
        "price": "1784",
        "offset": "36848433",
        "size": "4.3"

Channel Data

Subsequent responses will contain the new order sizes for any price levels that have changed since the previous update:


Subsequent messages

  "type": "channel_data",
  "id": "BTC-USD",
  "connection_id": "e2a6c717-6f77-4c1c-ac22-72ce2b7ed77d",
  "channel": "v3_orderbook",
  "message_id": 2,
  "contents": {
    "offset": "178",
    "bids": [["102", "12"]],
    "asks": [["104", "0" ]]

E.g: if some orders at "102" price, get filled, then the update would be ["102", "12"], where "12" is the new size. If there are no more asks at "104", then the ask update would be ["104", "0"].


To subscribe:

field type description
type string Set to subscribe
channel string Set to v3_trades
id string The market to subscribe to e.g. BTC-USD, LINK-USD

Initial Response:

The initial response will contain the historical trades and will be the same structure as GET /v3/trades/:market.

field description
type will be subscribed
channel the channel name, i.e. v3_trades
id the market subscribed to e.g. BTC-USD
contents the message contents

The contents is structured as:

field type description
trades array See PublicTrade below.


field type description
side string BUY or SELL
size string size of the trade
price string price of the trade
createdAt ISO time of the trade time of the trade
liquidation boolean true if the trade was the result of a liquidation, false otherwise

Example messages:

Example initial response:

  "type": "subscribed",
  "id": "BTC-USD",
  "connection_id": "e2a6c717-6f77-4c1c-ac22-72ce2b7ed77d",
  "channel": "v3_trades",
  "message_id": 1,
  "contents": {
    "trades": [
        "side": "BUY",
        "size": "100",
        "price": "4000",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-29T00:26:30.759Z"
        "side": "BUY",
        "size": "100",
        "price": "4000",
        "createdAt": "2020-11-02T19:45:42.886Z"
        "side": "BUY",
        "size": "100",
        "price": "4000",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-29T00:26:57.382Z"

Channel Data

Subsequent responses will contain the recently created trades. e.g:

Subsequent responses

  "type": "channel_data",
  "id": "BTC-USD",
  "connection_id": "e2a6c717-6f77-4c1c-ac22-72ce2b7ed77d",
  "channel": "v3_trades",
  "message_id": 2,
  "contents": {
    "trades": [
        "side": "BUY",
        "size": "100",
        "price": "4000",
        "createdAt": "2020-11-29T00:26:30.759Z"
        "side": "SELL",
        "size": "100",
        "price": "4000",
        "createdAt": "2020-11-29T14:00:03.382Z"


To subscribe:

field type description
type string Set to subscribe
channel string Set to v3_markets

Initial Response:

Same as GET /v3/markets

Channel Data

Subsequent responses will contain an update for one or more markets. Updates will be sent any time a field(s) changes on a market(s). Updates will only contain the field(s) that have changed:

Subsequent responses

  "type": "channel_data",
  "connection_id": "e2a6c717-6f77-4c1c-ac22-72ce2b7ed77d",
  "channel": "v3_markets",
  "message_id": 2,
  "contents": {
    "ETH-USD": {
        "oraclePrice": "100.23"
    "BTC-USD": {
        "indexPrice": "100.23",
        "priceChange24H": "0.12",
        "initialMarginFraction": "1.23"


Independent Audits

The Starkware Perpetual smart contracts were audited independently by PeckShield.

PeckShield Audit Report

Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

The disclosure of security vulnerabilities helps us ensure the security of our users.

How to report a security vulnerability?

If you believe you’ve found a security vulnerability in one of our contracts or platforms, send it to us by emailing Please include the following details with your report:


Any vulnerability not previously disclosed by us or our independent auditors in their reports.


We require that all reporters:

If you follow these guidelines when reporting an issue to us, we commit to: